Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 9, 2015

Sunlight and Shadows

Many of you know how I love the light at sunrise. It's magical.
I don't love only the light - I also love the shadows made by the rising sun.
I think that the reason is that the light and shadows are a metaphor for life. There are times when you soak in the warmth of the sunshine and feel its glow on your skin. Then, all feels right with the world.
But there are other times - we've all experienced them - when the shadows feel like they are looming behind us, ready to engulf us. We keep looking over our shoulders and running away.
I've had a few days in the shadows. Prior to being stricken "cluster migraines" about a year ago, I had no idea how debilitating they are. I spent my weekend in agony, and I still have a lingering ache in my head. It's unlike any other pain/sickness I've experienced.

I'll be seeing my doctors again next week to see if we can, at a minimum, reduce how many migraines I get per week. In the meantime, I'm trying to keep clear eyes and a hopeful attitude, just like my puppy dog.
I apologize for short posts and for a lack of visiting your blogs. Yesterday, when I was ready to visit my friends' blogs, my vision went - and the light show began. When that happens, there is no choice but to go to bed and pull the covers over my eyes. Ugh.

But, there is one piece of good news. The rogue programmer who keeps stealing my photos and opening new websites has been shut down again. I must thank my friends at The Thundering Herd for their help. I had a tough time figuring out to whom I should send my copyright infringement complaint but that amazing herd of Huskies figured it out for me. Thanks!


  1. hooray for the website shut-down again! :) love the golden bokeh in your first silhouette shot. hoping your head is feeling even better tomorrow. :)

  2. I also love the bokeh in the first shot.....POTP that the doctors can do something to cut back on your head-aches.

  3. I am so sorry about your migraines and I hope you feel better soon! :(

    Shyla is so cute with her purple wooba!

    I love these shots and also the metaphor works perfectly, too! I kind of feel like I've been running from the shadows for a long time.

  4. Hope you are felling better! And very good news about the evil photo stealer!!! Hope he's gone for good!

  5. Yeh for figuring out how to stop the photo hacker. I wouldn't even know how to know if that was happening. But boo for the headaches. Those have been going on for way too long.

  6. Sunshine and shadows, how so similar that is to our days down here, both in nature and metaphorically. Your latest pics show how your eye and lens work together, beautiful beyond words. Take care with those dreaded cluster migraines, and , as we do, hope the doctor can sort them out.Hugs as you rest up.

  7. Bummer on the headaches - so wishing someone has an answer for you. And hooray for The Herd - their huDad has helped me many times in the past too.

  8. Gosh, the light is beautiful! I can almost feel the sunlight in these pictures.

    So, glad the website has been shut down. Thanks to the Thundering Herd for putting a stop to it!

  9. Such gorgeous pictures! I struggle catching the shadows but love when I do!

    Ugh. On the migraines. I'm sorry you have been struggling with them and hope for some relief soon!

  10. Crikey ...... that's no good at all. I've heard those migraines are the pits. Hope you're feeling better real soon and the Doctor can make them stay away for good. Beautiful photos as usual. Mum's no photographer but she's learnt something today thanks to you. She googled bokah. Those that commented on it were right. It's beautiful. She'd never be able to capture it though.

  11. Great photos and perfect with the metaphor. I'm sorry about the migraines. I get migraines, but cluster migraines sound like a whole new circle of hell. Beautiful sunset shots in yesterday's post!

  12. We find morning shots difficult with a cheap camera and black dogs...

    Hope the migranes abate and you can find some relief.

  13. Yay! Bless the Thundering Herd! He hope your head feels better soon, KB.

  14. I am so sorry about your migraines. I can't even imagine what it's like. It's a rare day I even get a normal headache. (I am so very lucky, I know!) Your ability to maintain such a positive attitude is wonderful!

    In your recent comment on my blog, you said you make bringing your camera part of the cold weather fun. I guess part of my problem (and my excuse!) is that for the vast majority of the time, my dogs are on leash. So I just don't have enough hands. I usually take the leashes off for pictures, but they go right back on. All that fumbling with gloves/leashes/camera misses a lot of photo-ops!

    Another thought, I think an interesting post for you would be to show us what gear you need for your bike rides. What do you wear in such cold weather, how do you stow your camera gear, etc. I always try to imagine what you must travel like, but your day-to-day world is so different than mine that it is hard. Curious minds want to know ;-)

    Hope you are feeling better ASAP!

  15. You photos are stunning as always and I sure hope you feel better soon. Yes, those huskies are smart ones!

  16. Those migraines are killer. Mom gets them too. We love your furs in the sunlight
    Lily & Edward

  17. Thinking of you and hoping you find some relief from the migraines.

  18. I sure hope the Dr.'s find a way to help, migraines are the worst. Typically when I feel one coming on I can pop a Xanax and it stops it where it is, then I can go lie down and sleep for an hour or so and it's gone. That is because for me the migraines are from stress and the Xanax is for anxiety. Do they know what causes yours?

  19. Praying you feel better soon! I have a family member that suffers from frequent migraines and I've had several myself over the years, although without the frequency you experience them.

    I usually enjoy the sunrise in the winter, but in the summer, it is the sunsets that I crave - because that means the glaring sun is going down and I don't have to squint anymore! :)

  20. Hu-dad is truly amazing!

    Monty and Harlow

    We hope you feel better soon!

  21. So sorry about your migraines - I sue hope you and your doctors come up with a remedy. Something beyond canine therapy - which is good, I know, but sometimes doesn't cut it.

  22. Those Siberians! Very smart doggies!

    When my husband used to get cluster headaches, sometimes drinking one of those little Cokes in the bottle would help. Really. Someting about the caffeine but only the little bottles and not diet. Go figure.

  23. Ugh, feel better! I hope your Dr. can come up with a good solution. At least the web idiots are under control.

  24. I am so sorry about the migraines! I used to have frequent multi-day migraines - for years and years - and now thank gods I rarely have one; just often enough to wonder that I managed to do anything in all those previous years. I hope with all my heart that you are soon able to reduce the frequency and severity of your migraines, and that you will get to the point of eliminating them altogether.

  25. Wishing you a migraine free, photo stealing free day!

  26. I like Shyla in the glittering dawn. I know migraine are so debilitating. Hope your Drs can find a solution for you.

  27. Yippee for shutting down the scraper blog again!!! But Boohoo for feeling blue again. Hope you get feeling better soon, and that the doctor can find a way to better control this.

    I saw on my phone yesterday or the day before that you'd been hit once again, and I was angry and wishing we could unplug sites that do stuff like that, but I'm glad to see you've hit them where it counts now.

  28. Oh KB,, were so sorry you get those nasty migraines,, We hope the dr has some sort of help or solution.
    We love all that you share with us KB,,, no need to be sorry.. We understand,.
    And we love the light and the shadows too


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