Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sunset Sunday

I'm sorry to say that website has been stealing my photos again. I am placing this one in the photostream so that I will find out if other websites are also stealing my photos. I have sent DMCA takedown notices to the thieving website that I know about.
I'm sorry to subject you to that bit of ugliness. It seems to be a never-ending problem. I also noticed the photos from a few of your websites on the same bad website. I contacted a few of you about it but the website is vast so I couldn't search through every photo. For the rest, I suggest that you google the name of your blog. If this particular scraping website is stealing your photos, their site will show up in your search.

Back to more pleasant topics, earlier this week, the Labraduo and I saw a pink-hued sunset over the nearby high peaks.

The view toward our local ski area.
Then, to the north of the ski area. I loved the more subtle colors over the snowy and rocky peaks.
The pink glow radiated from the mountain tops all to our west.
Thanks for all the nice comments yesterday. I am a bit better today, although my head still aches too badly to be able to think clearly.

Shyla and I pretended that I was fine this morning so we could head out into the mountain world for sunrise. I've had a lot of experience with pain (mostly spinal) throughout my life, and the approach that works best for me is to try to get out and do what I love, almost no matter what. Then, I can come home and rest if needed - but at least I've done one fun thing for the day!

Sometimes, I manage to forget my pain, and I genuinely smile. That happened, albeit briefly, this morning as Shyla and I played in the sunshine.
For some reason, this photo of Shyla retrieving at sunrise made me smile. It's classic Shyla - her eyes emanated sweetness in the soft light of the sunrise.


  1. such a sweet girl. i'm really sorry about that horrible website stealing, again! (i guess i'm grateful my shots are not very thief-worthy). :)

  2. Those mountain photos are so gorgeous and Shyla is adorable! I hope you feel better soon.

    I can't believe there's another website stealing our content. It makes me so sad. :(

  3. The stealing makes me sick, and thank you for emailing me about it! Gorgeous sunset, and Shyla's toy looks fun!

  4. So very sorry to hear about the continuing thievery - we sure hope your efforts are rewarded with punishment for them.

    Gorgeous photos today!!!

  5. That is the sweetest picture of Shiloh. Her eyes really do remind me of Macy blue.

  6. Shyla is a bouncing bundle of joy!
    We love to see her so happy!

    We hate those theives who are stealing,,, and it looks like we are being stolen too.
    So many photos our little monkey on google,,, gosh,, we did not put them there- along with so many others,,, and some weird site.

    We hope you feel better KB.. and we want the theives to go away!

  7. Ugh, the photo thing. I will have to look. Kinda makes you sick and tired. I love those colors you have today though.

  8. I am sorry that someone is stealing your photos. That sunset is spectacular.

  9. In spite of the pain (and thieving websites), you found beauty today...good for you!!

  10. DAMN THOSE THIEVES!!! They are never ending, aren't they?! So glad you guys are on top of it...though you shouldn't have to be!!!!
    OMD, those sunset pics are just BEAUTIFULS!!!! We haven't seen the sun this weekend, butts I hope we have some nice ones this week.
    I loves that ball! I love that Shyla does too!!!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: hopes you keep gettin' betters...it sucks when you have to 'work' through the pain..it puts funny looks on our faces! ☺

  11. What a beautiful peaceful scene. You have captured it so well. AND CURES to those dirty rotten thieves.

  12. Good for you for making sure you do at least one fun thing every day. I'm sorry about the thieves!

  13. Absolutely gorgeous sunset photos, KB! You are such a beauty, Shyla ♥
    Shame on these thieves!

  14. Your philosophy of including beauty and a smile in every day no matter what is notable and noble. This beautiful way of viewing life is why your followers keep coming back to visit. Thieves can never take that from you.

  15. If we use them on our blogs, they're bound to be stolen - it's too bad, but I really don't think you can stop the unscrupulous ones. Hope by now your head is clear and pain-free. Shyla's old-new toy is the best!

  16. oh no! how mean to steal your photos. such darned guys with sticky fingers. I hope you feel better soon and to see such a wonderful pup brought a smile on my face too :o)
    Easy Rider

  17. Ugh - this is just ridiculous. No worries about the ugliness. I guess this is the chance you take if you blog. I am so sorry you are dealing with this....again.

  18. Why are people stealing photos?? I guess it is a form of flattery - I mean, your photos are so awesome they are worth stealing. Still totally wrong though.

    Glad you are feeling a bit better than yesterday.

  19. I can't understand why people steal other people's photos and posts. I suppose it should be taken as a compliment but I think it would be much easier to just ask!!

    Beautiful photos, just spectacular. It would sure make me smile.

  20. Don't people have anything better to do or are they that UN-talented that they have to steal your work
    Lily & Edward

  21. Oh crap, the same one? We are playing catch up since we have been working on the Heart 2 Heart Dance!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  22. Hi Y'all!

    So glad someone was able to help y'all with the thievery. I've seen several sites that have had the same problem. I was having my photos stolen once, but some kind sole rescued my too.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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