Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Almost Wordless Wednesday - Full Moon Rising

About a week ago, I became fascinated with capturing photos of the full moon as it rose over the ridge to our east. It turned out that I made some rookie mistakes that I hope to fix next month but I thought I'd still share the photos that I captured.
Half of the moon above the ridge

Moon was almost above the ridge
To get those photos, I had to hike up to a ridge in the dark. My trusty dog friend accompanied me. I hoped that she'd let me know if any dangerous critters were nearby. Thank you, Shyla!


  1. I always admire shots of the moon or night skies. I have never accomplished anything like this! Glorious! Shyla the bodyguard - I'd recognize her anywhere...

  2. Gorgeous!!! Spectacular!!! But do be careful out in the dark:)

  3. um, excuse me, but what were your rookie mistakes? these are gorgeous!

  4. Shyla is so cute in her sunglasses!!! I love it!

    The pictures of the moon are so beautiful! <3

  5. i like your assistant. :) nice shots w/ the pines 'holding' the moon!

  6. As Wild Dingo said above " rookie mistakes"? Well I can't wait to see the
    what you capture next month.
    Shyla rocking the shades could be a magazine ad or some other endorsement.
    Way beyond cute and eye catching.
    Be careful out there in the dark!
    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  7. Shyla, you look great in the sunglasses.

    The moon was beautiful!

  8. Fantastic photographs. Only mistake I see is not taking the runner with you. Let's be careful out there.

  9. That is an amazing series! Hey Shyla, nice shades girl!

  10. "Thank you, Shyla!"
    "It's cool, KB."

  11. Shyla girl, you are too cool for school!!


  12. Shyla is kewl! We didn't see any mistakes! Magnificent!

    Your Pals,


  13. Super moon shots, and the shades, was that moonlight so bright? Check it out Shyla, you are the best.(p.s. no rookie errors that I can see!!)

  14. Very nice. I tried to get some moon shots too, but they didn't turn out.

  15. The photos are perfect KB!!!
    So perfect!
    Thank you for sharing!

    We tried to hike up the ridge too,,
    but we got scared, and went back home, and peeked through the trees!
    We love that your addicted to the moon!

  16. Aroooo I'm howling at the moon.

    Aroo to you,

  17. those are wonderful shots of the moon!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  18. Great pictures! I laughed out loud at the one of Shyla.

  19. Beautiful, love the ridge silhouette, very E.T. :-)!!!

    Shyla is one cool bodyguard!!

  20. Rookie mistakes? The photos are gorgeous! You are one cool girl, Shyla!

  21. Glad Agent 007 Shyla Bond was there to protect you :o) The photos are wonderful, Easy want's a ticket to the moon now... he still thinks it's made of cheese :o)
    easy rider

  22. I felt like I was standing right beside you in those pictures...how beautiful.
    stella rose and momma

  23. This rookie can't see any rookie mistakes - those are awesome shots! Last time I tried taking shots of the moon, my camera fell off my tripod onto the concrete patio and I broke my only really good lens! Now THAT'S a rookie mistake! :(

  24. Your photos are as beautiful and amazing as anything I've seen in a book! Wow!!!

  25. Those are fabulous moon shots! Thank you both for that night time hike. I love a full moon hike!

  26. I don't see any mistakes in those photos...rookie or not! And, Shyla girl, you rock those shades!

  27. Hi KB, What a brave soul you are to hike up to the ridge during the night. I love your photos and don't care if you say they are rookie or not-I think they are great.
    Hope you are having a great morning. I imagine you've hit the trail and back home again.
    Have a perfect weekend-it is supposed to be so nice and warm.
    Hugs, Noreen


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