Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Thank you

R wants to thank all of you for your good wishes for him yesterday. After Rimadyl and taking it easier than usual, his limp is less pronounced. We're going to take this one day at a time, and we can change our minds about surgery if we decide that he's living with too much pain.
Probably part of why his elbow is so sore is that our world is a mass of crusty, deep, and slippery snow. We're in the season when trying to walk anywhere is a challenge. There are spots where it's easy before the sun gets warm, like where Shyla is standing in this photo shortly after sunrise. There are probably a couple of feet of snow below her but the top crust is holding her up. In the upper right corner, you can see my tracks where I awkwardly tromped over to to take the photo, falling deep into the snow with each step.
Due to the snow conditions, Shyla and I have been getting out right at sunrise recently because it is the only time when the trails are passable. For Shyla, even off-trail is passable at sunrise because the snow crust is so strong, and she's such a lightweight dog.
This morning, I saw fresh moose tracks so we proceeded with great caution. However, we never saw the moose (or anyone else). It was a peaceful morning with springlike bird songs filling the air. Shyla galloped around happily as I pedaled my fat bike.
So, life looks brighter today. R isn't limping so much, my migraine seems to be gone, and the sun is shining. This whole week is supposed to be very warm so perhaps we'll start to see some bare ground in places by the weekend!


  1. I'm so glad R is feeling a little better!

  2. so glad R is doing better! (and you, too!)

  3. It's probably not at R's stage, but Tommy has had intermittent limping issues, worse at some times than others. He takes Rimadyl for it, sometimes for several weeks. Recently, however, he seems to have really benefited from a daly dose of Chondroitin, Glucosamine and MSM, plus vitamins.

  4. Hari Om
    Awwww sweet R... lots of POTP to you! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Hi KB!
    I was so sorry to hear about R limping. I'm sure it's very distressing, given his complex condition and all the choices you have to make on his behalf. Sounds like he is doing some better and that's good news.
    You know R well enough and he will guide you in making those decisions. That and trust your gut instincts. If we humans listen/watch (and I know you do) to what our pets are telling us, the decisions become much clearer.
    Keeping all of you in my thoughts and hoping for lots more fun time for R! Sure is sweet to see Shyla enjoying her outings!

  6. At least the snow might slow down a charging moose mother....

    Glad he's feeling better. Bring on the Spring thaw, so you can see if his elbow will be better.

  7. So glad things are going a bit more smoothly all around...except for walking in the snow! I know what you mean. It's gotten tough here as well. Our last real storm was very wet and heavy, so now there is a soggy break-through layer on top of the residual 2-4 feet of powder, which is also beginning to sink noticeably. My semi-packed-down trails between the barns are now treacherous: with no warning, as I'm going along, one foot will suddenly plunge straight down to a depth over my knee. Not the best thing for joints. Or for the water buckets I'm carrying.
    Oh well, we're on our way into Spring now, so every difficulty seems pleasantly temporary! :)

  8. We're so glad that you're feeling a wee bit better, R!

  9. So good to hear that R is doing a bit better today. Hope all that sunshine brings more good days ahead for all.

  10. We are sure glad to here that. We've been worrying about that handsome dude,

  11. We're glad to hear all of your good news! And as usual, your photos are breathtaking...

  12. Keep feeling better sweet R!

  13. I'm so glad things are looking up. Hopefully you will all have a great spring and summer.

  14. I am glad that both you and R are feeling better today! Sunshine really does make a difference!

  15. Dear sweet R, feel better soon! Thinking of you also KB, it's so hard to make big decisions like you are.

  16. Maybe warmer weather will help too! Glad you got some improvement R!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. We will keep our paws crossed that R continues improvement. Our winter has been very wierd. Warmer than usual and so little snow. Snow last Tues and today 65 degrees. The Pugs are enjoying the nicer weather for sure.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

  18. Rymadyl and rest - a great prescription!

  19. Glad R is doing better, poor guy.

  20. So glad R is a little better. Rimadyl is doing nothing for Macy's elbow limp!! Hoping he continues to feel better until you can make the decisions you need to manage his pain!

  21. That's great news! We are seeing patches of grass here, so there is hope.


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