Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Mountain Photo Wednesday

Those mountains behind Shyla make my heart sing. I love having them so close.
I gaze at the mountains whenever I can, trying to never take them for granted. Sunset over them was spectacular last night.
"I've seen it raining fire from the sky" (John Denver).
I feel so lucky to live in a place that I love so much.


  1. We can totally understand that and we love seeing the beauty!

  2. Those mountains are gorgeous and they make a great backdrop for a beautiful dog! :D I love the sunset pictures, too!

  3. You certainly are lucky - lots of envy coming from me - and we have beautiful mountains here too...not snow capped like that - gorgeous.

  4. I wish we had views like that near us. Thanks for sharing your beauty.

  5. We have 10,000 lakes, with multitudes of fish in them and 567 Zillion Mosquitoes which we have named our state bird. Not that we brag about it or anything, its just standard West Central Minniesnowda stuff. But sure, those Rockies are nice at certain times of the day. I don't think we'd trade you though. Yours truly,A happy resident

  6. I'm glad you're so willing to share these beautiful news with us!

  7. And we are so thrilled that you do such excellent photography so we can enjoy it too:)

  8. Thank you KB for sharing your sunset.. and yes John Denvers song is perfect to go with such a glorious sunset.

  9. I love your photos. All of them.

  10. Oh MY! What spectacular sunset photos!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. Splendiferous!!! No more words.... I have tried and cannot find any that will do justice .

  12. So beautiful! And I feel the same way about living by the ocean. I never take it for granted either. It's so lovely. There's this one spot in particular that I always try to enjoy - it's on my way home in the car, I come around this bend and there's a sweeping view of the big ol' wide Pacific. So awesome. I should probably share more of my pics of it...

  13. I should print your sunset to hand it on my window... so I could have such a wonderful firework of colors too :o)
    easy rider

  14. It just takes my breath away...looking at some of these photos. John Denver was quite an amazing songwriter!

  15. That sunset is really gorgeous. Wish we have those over here.

  16. So much beauty!

    That first picture reminds us of Julie Andrews on the mountain top from the Sound of Music singing The Hill's are Alive.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  17. Whoa, the sunset and sunbeams are gorgeous! Beautiful! :)

  18. You are :)
    Thanks for sharing.

  19. Had to come back to say that was the funniest (and totally non-annoying) verification process I've ever seen. :)

    Aw shucks...this one is the typical murky letters. Oh well! At least I got the Click All The Cakes option once!


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