Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Springtime Blizzard

It is springtime in the mountains!

Meteorologists have been talking about this storm for almost a week. Usually, that means that it will fizzle out. Not this time.

I've read predictions of 2-3 feet of snow falling here by Sunday. Fitting that prediction, the world had several white-outs during our fat bike ride this morning. Believe it or not, this is Hug Hill. This is the same place as the first photo from yesterday's post was taken. Yesterday, the snowy mountains shined against a blue sky behind Shyla. Not today.

Based on the 5 inches of snow that fell during our fat bike ride alone, it seems like the meteorologists might be underselling this storm. They use scientific models to make their predictions, and one of those models is predicting 4 feet of snow for us. Even though I know how desperately we need this moisture to fend off a terrible wildfire system, the thought of 4 feet of snow might drive this non-drinker to drink!
If I were to drink, it would only be the Ellie the Chocolate Lab's Brown Ale (and no one is paying me to say that)!


  1. Oh my gosh!!! That is too much snow.. Wow! Shyla is so cute and that's cool you found an ale with a lab on it! We have a brewery out here called "The Lucky Lab Brewery" and the whole thing is covered in dog photos and they have a whole outdoor area just for pets! It's so neat! If you ever make it out this way you'd love it!

  2. I know you need the snow and hope it will melt quickly this time of year. Love the photographs.

  3. Oh my, that IS a lot of snow. We barely got four inches for the whole winter.

    Thanks for the comment about the crates. At least I know it isn't my imagination. That is the last place she saw Phantom, so I guess it makes sense. She is a very sensitive girl.

  4. We had 70's on Monday - several inches of snow on Tues- now it is almost all gone. That's spring in Idaho
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  5. A mournful look that says it all, confinement inside, too much snow outside, and only a can of ale to console ourselves!!! Hope it isn't as bad as predicted.

  6. OMD Springtime snow. If you're going to drink, I suggest hot cocoa to stay warm.

    Aroo to you,

  7. We got it yesterday and today it melted! Is that your twin identical cousin on that can?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. Are your parents on the Facebook? Check out our friend Kathy Vosberg and her dog Enzo. They live in the Rockies. Misery loves company

  9. I know your mountains will love the snow! And that Shyla- she adapts to everything!

  10. WE have had several clients cancel there reservations here because of the storms you are having. There must be some kind of activity that is for cowboys cause all my cowboy clients are pretty sad. But their dogs are happy that thye get to stay homne. Stay warm, my friend

  11. You sure know how to celebrate the reawakening of Spring life there in the higher elevations! We're hardening plants for the summer sun that will bake the garden and you show photos of a gathering 4' of snow!

  12. I love the photo of Shyla and her can of Ellie's Brown Ale! We got no snow left but it stays plenty cool. If you get the big deeps, I hope you also get some warm sunny weather to send it on its way.'We'll be thinking about you.

    Cheers & hugs,
    Jo, stella and Zkhat

  13. The perfect beer choice☺ Have fun in all of your beautiful new snow, Shyla!

  14. Oh snow much fun again :o) ... and your to looks like a donut with icing sugar now... that's tasty :o)
    easy rider

  15. You should send that ale company your picture. I bet they would love it!

  16. Holy Springtime Snow Fall! You may need to sip on some ale to get the spring back in your step!

  17. We got blasted here, especially in the mountains. Stupid snow. Hot toddies for me.

  18. Oh my goodness! Shyla looks like she is having a blast!!!

  19. Moms coworker is leaving tomorrow and was all set to enjoy the nice weather.....blizzard BOL
    Lily & Edward

  20. We got a light dusting this morning, but overall it's been a mild winter. Thanks for your nice comment about Imogene Pass! Glad you are doing well!

  21. I had a little chuckle at that last photo. Good luck with all the snow! :)

  22. What a beautiful late season surprise. Love that beer can!


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