Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 17, 2015

Snow, snow, snow!

Our storm dumped a lot of cement-like snow onto us. I think it was 2-3' this morning, depending on where you measured. It was a lot of snow compared to the length of Shyla's legs!

I took this photo as she headed out into the unbroken snow and rapidly came to a halt with a wide-eyed look on her face.

It was almost impossible to snowshoe or ski in the snow because it was so heavy. The boys had been out earlier than us, trying break trail for skiing. Shyla took advantage of their tracks to move in an almost normal way.

Despite how young and healthy Shyla is, I worried every time she left the slightly packed path. I feared an injury of some sort in the cement-like snow. But that didn't stop her from making occasional forays off-trail.

She had to use a "jumping" gait, where she'd leap almost vertically, up and out of the snow. Then she'd fly until she landed in the deep stuff again.

Here's a series to show you how hard she had to work when she decided to leave the path. Getting ready to jump...

Up and out of the snow...

And flying above the snow.

Then she'd land and start the whole process again. No wonder less than a mile was far enough for both of us!

I just read a forecast saying that we may get another 10-20" of snow tomorrow. I think it's time to break out the hard liquor.
The good news is that the fire danger is presently nil, the electricity is on, and the internet works (although the satellite TV is kaput). The bad news is that I just read one expert's opinion that there's a decent chance of flooding.

Happy Springtime! All we can do is roll with what Mother Nature sends us and hope for the best.


  1. Wow, that is a lot of snow. We are thrilled ours is finally gone. We hope your power stays on.

  2. Looks like you received our latest snow. However, you received a lot more than us. Now all the snow is off my lawn once again just in time to mow. Bet Shyla slept good after her outing.

  3. Love that last photo.
    Keep Warm and enjoy the view from inside. Shyla's face says she loved the deep snow!
    xo Cinnamon

  4. I love the photos of Shyla jumping out of the deep snow!

    We took the girls to the mountains yesterday and let them play in snow!

  5. Ummmm... 85 here today. No worries about flooding.

  6. Colorado Spring Snow. Winter's last hoorah. Soon the Columbines & Indian Paint Brush will be blooming, trees will be budding and wildlife (babies) will be emerging. Oh to live in the Rockies again. sigh.

  7. Great series of photos that has reminded me of Alaska. There is something about these springtime snowfalls that feels so different than the ones in mid winter--I never minded them (too much) because I knew they wouldn't last long, and I loved to spring ski! :-) ...Hope flooding doesn't become an issue!

  8. We saw on the News about the snow in parts of the U.S. We would have just stayed in with the hard liquor...we've ALL got short legs.

  9. i'm worn out just seeing these photos. :) she's so cute, though.

  10. Whoa - that is a LOT of snow - please don't send it to us no matter what you may hear from Ciara and Lightning:)

  11. You got way more than us. Bob and I were out early on the cross country skis. Trail breaking wasn't too hard (well -he mostly did it...). Love your action shots - that looks like hard work. The way Shyla's eyes are on the Paddy one looks like she's already had a nip!

  12. We love our dogs because in the worst situation they can make us smile

  13. BOL! We cracked up at the last picture! We had 8" snow 2 days ago and almost 70 degrees today. The snow melted yesterday. One of the SLC resorts got 48 inches.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. Too much, might be too much, and the bottle, a little at a time, to warm the soul and body. Shyla, athlete extraordinaire.

  15. Can we come over and play in the gorgeous snow with you, Shyla, pretty please?

  16. Hari OM
    BOL oh that last shot is hilarious....Shyla's exrpession.... we have also had a last blast of winter but nothing of this measure. YAM xx

  17. That sure is some pretty amazing snow fun!

  18. I can just picture her jumping. Kaitlin and Torben's Montana does that too. It's not a bad idea. :)

  19. OH MY WORD we heard about a spring snow storm out your way. Bless your heart...we hope it melts as quickly as it arrives so you can enjoy your beautiful out of doors
    Hugs madi your bfff


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