Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Canyon for Sunsets

Back to our desert trip... At the end of the last post, we'd just sat through a couple of intense thunderstorms in our campsite at the bottom of a slickrock slope. The normally dry wash that we had to cross to drive out of our campsite was a small slow-moving river.

It turned out that my worry about the water in the wash was unfounded. It was completely dry by the next morning. So we set out for our next destination, which was a big canyon with campsites along the rim.

We'd visited this spot once before, back when K was alive and I had just gotten my first "real" camera. On that day, we had mostly clear skies, and lots of good light for sunset photos of K. It was a beautiful spot that we wanted to visit again.
So, on this past trip, we headed there next. We didn't have clear skies but we did have dramatic skies as we looked up the canyon!
For most of the evening, we had no sun at all, which was a little disappointing. But then, a gap in the clouds appeared, and the sun shined on our little slice of the world. The sunshine looked particularly dramatic because the eastern horizon was still a mass of black storm clouds.

Thanks to that tiny bit of sun, I got to take photos of sweet Shyla with the canyon as a backdrop. The sun wasn't as intense as back when I took K's photo by this canyon but it was still glorious.
As I took photos of Shyla, the sun played games with the sky. Look at the rainbow that emerged across the canyon from us! This photo shows one end of the rainbow. You can also see the river that carved the canyon in the far right of the photo.
And here was the other end, pointing to the other pot of gold!
 And, here's Shyla with the rainbow in the upper left corner.
I adore the light at this canyon, whether it's a clear day like that day with K or a stormy one like the day of our recent visit. Eventually, the sun fully set, and it was time to go to sleep in our trusty LabMobile.
As I was falling asleep, I was smiling, as I remembered my wonderful K. It's fitting that we visited this spot with our Shyla.
I've finally reached the point of peace where I smile when I remember K. I still miss her but I am incredibly grateful for the years that I had with her. And now I have sweet Shyla, who is her own dog but embodies love just like K did.


  1. I think the real pot of gold you found was with the peace over K. The cost of loving creatures who we will outlive so deeply is the loss when they are gone. I think the joy they bring is worth the pain.

  2. Incredible pictures and the most beautiful dog to pose in them

  3. Happy Crazy Love!

    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  4. the canyon shadows and murky skies are awesome!

  5. Our love never dies for those who go on before us.

    Aroo to you,

  6. Love all the dramatic pictures of the skies. Glad you had a nice trip to the desert.

  7. Beautiful post! <3 I love the rainbows and I always think of my babies who have passed when I see one.

  8. The next dog never replaces the ones who came before but they do help heal a broken heart.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. We just love the comment from Hailey and Zaphod - so very true. We are sure that K sent you Shyla so that one day you would be able smile at your memories of K. Beautiful photos as always.

  10. Beautiful light, beautiful dogs, beautiful images!
    It's such a gift to reach a point where, as Renoir said in another context, "The pain passes, but the beauty remains."

  11. you still found the pot of gold... it has wonderful brown fur and beautiful eyes :o)
    easy rider

  12. Absolutely gorgeous photos KB!! What a beautiful part of the country you live in...it never ceases to amaze me...of course you have extraordinary camera skills as well!! And your model!! Shyla is special...I know just what you mean about K though...I feel the same about my Big Guy that is gone now. Glad you had a fun time on your trip!

  13. We understand the point of peace and the smiles. Gorgeous photos, KB!

  14. I think that rainbow that appeared at that particular moment in time was a sign that K was right there with you as you returned to a spot you once shared together.

  15. How could you help but be at peace in that beautiful country. You are lucky to have such natural beauty so close by.

  16. Wonderful photos of a wonderful place. It is crazy how fast the water dries up.

  17. Wonderful...the beautiful skies, dogs and emotions all shine through!

  18. Beautiful pictures. My mom liked your comment about reaching "that point of peace." That is a gift in itself.
    stella rose

  19. "The point of peace"....I like that. We all need to reach the spot where we can smile at the memories and not just cry. It can take a very long time.

  20. Oh its a good feeling isn't it! Oh the rainbows and all the cliffs, and the sky,,, so beautiful,,, and peace@


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