Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, May 30, 2015

On the Homefront...

I see more signs of spring every day, including voles, flowers, and bears! R is the one who is most interested in voles. He sometimes digs so deep for them that his entire head, including his tongue, is covered in dirt when he finally emerges from the hole.
Recently, I went to visit a spot where orchids bloom most summers. I thought it was surely too early for them but I checked anyway. One was fully open and others were barely starting to open!!!!
Soon the entire patch will have these pink jewels blooming!
And then there are the bears. The males are doing their amazing tree marking dances, and I'll share videos of those soon. But, today's big trail camera surprise was a mother and two cubs. I have a trail camera pointed at a bear marking tree that has been very active recently. First, a male passed it twice, and then the mother marked it like crazy while her cubs milled around (and then climbed a tree).

I was surprised to see a mother bear with small cubs on the trail used by huge males. I would think that would be a big risk to the cubs.

I don't recognize the mother. She either just moved into the area or she's a youngster who has her first cubs.

Here's the video that you can watch here or at Youtube.

Finding this bear footage this morning was a nice surprise. I had a horrific day yesterday. I simultaneously had horrendous pain in my leg due to my spine, a migraine, and a high fever. I collapsed into bed and, this morning, I fortunately woke up feeling about 70% better. And then these bear photos gave me another big boost!


  1. tiny cubs! sure hope they and mom stay safe!

  2. Just love seeing the bear and her cubs!!! Hope you are feeling much better.

  3. Take care of yourself. A high fever is nothing to ignore. Hope you are soon back to normal.

  4. Yes, please take care of yourself! I'm happy you have the pictures and videos to lift your spirits. :)

  5. I love the springtime bears too, especially those little guys. I do wonder if she is a first time Mom though because of the way she lets them trail after or away from her.

    Glad you are feeling better and hope the fever is gone!


    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  6. Oh there is sand around your nose R :o)
    The orchids look like magic flowers...
    Please feel better soon, such migraines are like evil gremlins, they can mess up even the bestest day :o(
    easy rider

  7. The orchids are just gorgeous! We hope you're feeling back to yourself today, KB.

  8. R would have a field day in our yard here in Florida! We have a ton of pocket gopher's who love to taunt us daily. There would be some good diggin' going on.

    Always love seeing the bears bcuz we've never seen one and find them fascinating. So happy to hear that the bears lifted your spirits and helped you to feel better.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  9. We love that dirt nose on R! We sure hope you feel better, all the way better, really soon.

  10. Hope you continue to feel better.

    Wonderful orchids and bears. Let the mama and baby bear be safe!

  11. What amazing bear footage today!!! Those cubs are adorable!!
    Hope you are back to 100% today!

  12. I hope today is even better for you! LOVE those cubs AND one is black and one is chocolate! SO cute. Last week Otto was on the trail of a ground squirrel and his face looked just like R's! He was so happy :-)

  13. Baby bears are so cute! And when you said "scent-marking dance", I thought you meant the "handstand" that pandas do, but this is much better. You should set these photos to music! :)

  14. Spring has sprung! We're glad you were w bit better but hope you are more better today!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. The flowers are beautiful and the bears made us smile. I do hope you are feeling much better today.

    Abby the Lab

  16. R is so cute with all that dirt on him! LOL!! Also, love those orchids! I've always wanted an orchid but I don't have a green thumb! The bears are so neat! The cubs are adorable and it's so cool that you share this stuff with us!

  17. Glad you are feeling a lot better! And I think it's so important to take a "boost" when it comes your way. Or when you've gone looking for it, and then found it! :)
    I hope that mama bear knows what she's doing...maybe it was a one-time thing that she happened to be on that route and she will keep her youngsters farther from the "boys' club" area now.

  18. Those babies are so cute. Hope you get more footage of them. Glad to hear you are feeling better. That sure is a knock out combo.

  19. Those bear photos are soooo cool! Wow!
    We hope your feeling better today .

  20. Oh My...Glad you're feeling better today. Those bears are really amazing creatures!

  21. The very best medicine! Those cubs are so tiny. Hope to see more of them over the summer. And we hope you are feeling much better.

  22. The cubs are so sweet!

    Hope you are feeling better.

  23. Goodness!! Those Cubs are so adorable!! Almost as cute as R with dirt all over his head :)

  24. wow!!! Those cubs are SO cute! They'd give me a boost for sure!!!


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