Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Throwback Thursday - Angel K

I remember visiting this 13,000' ridge several times with K. Each time, it was so special. There were views of lakes and high mountains in all directions.

But, most of all, I was sharing it with K. Those shared adventures helped make the bond between us unbreakable.
She lives on in my heart. And she's with me when I share our special places, like this ridge, with my Shyla.


  1. I know she is.
    stella rose and momma

  2. Bet you can just catch her out of the corner of your eye as she runs along with you.

  3. I have been feeling the same lately about Greta, I have been emotional thinking of her. As Mabel ( who is for the most part quite different than Greta was) and I continue building a bond through training and play, I swear there are times that Greta is whispering in her ear.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel, Mabel & Mom

  4. Your K was just such a beautiful and loving girl!!! We know how much you miss her, but we are so grateful that she brought you Shyla.

  5. Im sure she is with you too.
    Lily & Edward

  6. They live forever in our hearts!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. That is sure a big bunch of wonderful memories.

  8. Forever in our hearts.

    Aroo to you,

  9. K sure was a special girl even to us as we fondly remember her always with a smile.
    xo Cinnamon

  10. They do live in our hearts. I dreamed the other night about Ellie. We were in a gorgeous meadow and I wanted to take a picture of her but she wouldn't let me walk away. She said she had been away from me too long and was not going to leave my side. There are so many places that you will remember with K just as I remember with Ellie. And that's a good thing.

  11. Not only in our hearts. Sometimes (must be when they are not too busy) they are just there. Mum knows. Our Harri often pops by and leaves messages for her and she reckons he tells me lots of things too.

  12. Forever KB.. And you know forever is forever.

  13. K will always be there, in your heart, a memory when you visit a special place, and for us, words and photos that you have shared with us all, truly your own, and now Shyla will visit those places in time, I wonder what she thinks as you travel those familiar wonderful trails.

  14. K will forever be right beside you♥

  15. Just like you, we will always remember K. You two were meant to be together.


  16. Oh, it is so nice to see Miss K. What a beautiful girl. Thanks for sharing her with us once again.

  17. You knows, I didn't knows K, so all I know from her are the pics and FABulous stories you tell abouts her. I can tell you she was one special gurl!
    Each doggie leaves their paw prints on our hearts...
    Ruby ♥

  18. Such a beautiful memory. We know that K is running right next to Shyla.

    Lily Belle & Muffin


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