Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, May 22, 2015

Flashback Friday - Shyla's Arrival

Because I shared a memory of K with you yesterday, I thought that I'd share a photo from Shyla's early days with us, back in 2012.
She'd been with us for long enough that she'd look me straight in the eyes, even when I had a camera. It was the beginning of an amazing trust that would grow between us.

I feel so lucky that Shyla came into my life and has taught me so much about building trust and confidence.


  1. I am so glad you have her also.
    stella rose

  2. You can easily tell that she does trust you.

    Happy weekend.

  3. The ties that bind us together!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. Thanks for sharing "Shyla the early days"!

  5. She was perfect to help you through K's absence.

  6. We are so happy that you and your mom are best friends and a great team, Shyla!

  7. She is like a gift and therefore every day you are together is a gift too :o)
    easy rider

  8. I can see the trust in Shyla's eyes!


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