Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Winter to Spring in Hours

One day a couple of weeks ago, we awakened to snow, yet again.
We decided to go west to the desert and get away from the snow.
By that night, we gazed at sparkling stars in the desert sky.
We were so happy to be in the desert!


  1. Thats what I love about our area. You can be in 10 feet of snow one minute and beautiful golden sunbaked mountains just a few hours later.

  2. So glad you got to spend some time in a place you love so much:)

  3. Oh you got to talk to the stars!!!

    Happy Days! What a wonderful world you get to visit,, and share with us!

  4. That's so awesome that you have a place to get away from all that snow! Your desert is beautiful!

  5. The desert is such a lovely place. How wonderful that you can get away and spend time there, especially when you have snow at home.

  6. No wonder you so enjoy the seasons, and how it changes as you travel. Look at those eyes, enjoyment extraordinaire!!!

  7. Someone is sure happy playing in the snow☺

  8. Hari OM
    Whilst I hear that you are over the snow thing... there is a tiny little selfish bit of the YAMster which is quietly pleased that she is not the only one finding winter weather in May to be a real draaaaaaagggg..... if only I had a desert to paw... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. Such beautiful photos! We can't imagine seeing that many stars!

  10. So sad we missed meeting you guys.

  11. it is amazing to drive out of a season and into another.
    beautiful photos!

  12. Was hoping you got out of it for awhile. We did, too, though we've had gray skies and snow since we returned. At least more ground is showing day by day. Love those desert night skies!

  13. It must have been wonderful!! Hope things clear up for you at home soon!!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Let's try that again . . .

    If you headed much more west you would have gotten to our house in the TROPICS!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. Escape to the desert was a great idea.

  17. We're glad we don't get any of that late season snow like you do. We have had a few frosty evenings but that isn't too bad.


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