Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Happy Saturday

In the mountains, it feels as if we catapult from snow to summertime in an instant. After snow a month ago, we now have more flowers blooming than I can possibly show you.

Here's one of my favorites - a Shooting Star. It blooms in very wet meadow areas so I had almost lie down in muddy water to take this photo!
The wild irises are turning our meadows blue.
And Shyla and I are spending lots of time playing in the flowers.
Indeed, we're both sleeping very well because it's easy to wear ourselves out having fun at this time of year. I can't imagine a better place for a short snooze than Hug Hill.
But the sleep just reinvigorates us to go out and play again.
I hope you're all having a happy Saturday!


  1. What a beautiful place to catch a nap. Mom is going up to Meadow Valley CA up in the mountains in a couple weeks to take her 95 year old Dad there for a surprise birthday party. She hasn't been high up i the mountains in FOREVER. Hopefully a bear won't eat her, but she's really looking forward to it.

    Abby Lab

  2. I love your flower photos! That shooting star is so neat! I've never seen anything like that before and I also love the iris!

  3. You are making me crave those wide open flowery spaces! :)

  4. It seems a few weeks ago these meadows were in snow, everywhere. Beautiful flowers that grow there, no planting, no nurturing, rain water and natural surroundings, what could be prettier!

  5. The iris is just stunning! Your photo looks like a painting, KB!

  6. I agree, that place is made for wonderful naps!

  7. shyla is such a gleeful girl! love that bloom!

  8. Such delightful photos - the flowers are so pretty and Shyla makes us want to run and jump too:)

    Happy weekend.

  9. That Shooting Star looks like a tropical flower. Who would have guessed it lives in the Rockies? Glad you are enjoying some good weather and abundant flowers.

  10. Those flowers are beautiful. You and Shyla sure have a great time in your mountains.

  11. Crikey ...... do you EVER take a bad photo?? Those are just so beautiful.

  12. It indeed is my favorite time of year. Such beauty. And a sleeping Shyla just melts my heart.

  13. A wonderful time of year. Glad you're out enjoying it!

  14. you found the perfect word, it's true, it's like a catapult :o)
    and it's beautiful...
    easy rider

  15. A nap in the sun sounds excellent! See you in a few weeks!

  16. Such pretty flowers - you are so right, easy to get exercise when it's so pretty out!

  17. We love to see Shyla zooming and flying!
    Oh the beauty of those flowers,,, and you had to lay down to get such a spectacular photo!

  18. Oh how we would love to stand up there on hug hill!

  19. I'm so glad you're having fun and sleeping well!


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