Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sunday Snapshot

We've had a an incredible number of spring showers, which are always prefaced by clouds hovering over the Divide.
Of course, the rain showers mean fields of wildflowers, like this Boulder Raspberry, looking toward the sky just after a shower.
And, sometimes, the clouds light up in rich colors at sunset, painting a stormy scene.
It appears as if the showers might be less prevalent in the coming week, making for a more serene time here in the mountains.


  1. love the purple tones in the last shot and that blossom is wonderful!

  2. I love Shyla's silhouette! So pretty!

  3. I love the silhouette, too! The colors of the sky remind me of wildflowers.

  4. Beautiful photos!!! We just had a huge downpour just as we were ready to start our walk:) Seems like it is raining every day around here. At least it keeps the lawns going without the sprinkler system.

    Happy Sunday.

  5. Beautiful photos. That flower is stunning.

  6. Crikey ..... I'd sure like to smell that flower!!

  7. I love that Black and White - Ansel Adams would be impressed!!

  8. Such beauty after the rain showers! The Boulder Raspberry is beautiful.

  9. Beautiful photos! We love the raindrops on the flower petals.

  10. That last shot is marvellous! :)

  11. Another beautiful post, thanks for sharing! (the silhouette photos remain my favourite)

  12. It's hard to imagine still seeing snow. Our weather has been miserably hot and humid for several days now :-(

  13. KB, may I ask what you are using for a camera (or cameras) these days? I'll have to replace mine soon, and am torn between the utilitarian value of another surprisingly functional camera I can fit in a pocket (currently using my old PowerShot SX260 HS) vs. a camera that can do more at both ends of the focal range. But I don't expect to go back to a DSLR; too much to carry these days. Is that what you use, with multiple lenses? Your detail shots are phenomenal, as are your long exposures of the night sky...talk about extremes of focal range.

  14. Love your stormy shots. We have had much too much rain around here for the past couple of weeks. I'm hoping for a long stretch of dry weather.


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