Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Solstice!

Summer solstice is wonderful - the days are so long and luxurious. The air smells sweet from all the blooming flowers.

We took a sunset hike last night, and I captured a glowing Shyla, sitting in front of a wild blooming shrub, just before the sun dipped below the mountains.
Then, as we hiked through the forest, the sun made one last appearance before disappearing for the night.
Winter and summer are opposites. In the winter, our forest gets its best light at sunrise. In the summer, the amazing light is at sunset.

And, if afternoon storms came through, the eastern sky often lights up in vivid colors after sunset.
It's as if Mother Nature is celebrating the solstice with the amazing light and sky colors. We plan to be out on a hike to see sunset again tonight. It's a special one.


  1. Suc a beautiful sky and a beautiful Shyla!

  2. Oh my - those are just incredibly beautiful shots!!!

  3. Must be nice to be able to be out in the summer! I was on a walk this morning and it was 99 degrees, with a heat index of 103.

  4. We are happier, too, now that our days will be slowly getting longer!

  5. What beautiful photos! I've forgotten about the solstice, I need to go and peak at the moon this evening -- Hope you're enjoying it!!

  6. She is so pretty! We've been doing a lot of sunset hikes, too!

  7. The beauty abounds all around you.

  8. Your beautiful pictures are a great way to celebrate the Summer Solstice.

  9. It's KB's favorite day of the year!! Enjoy every moment of sunlight!!


  10. And we will be out enjoying the solstice too!
    Today feels special

  11. What a special time of year. What beautiful pictures.

  12. What gorgeous shots of you, Shyla!

  13. I love summer and the longer days. If I could follow summer around the world, i would.

  14. I stayed out in our yard for ever last minute of this longest of days. I was happy it was a clear evening. The sunset wan't particularly colorful, but I love to notice the late hour. Of course, it also makes me sad to think from here on out our days are already getting shorter. Sigh. I love daylight after work, it is such a treat!


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