Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Summer Eve

Another day in paradise... with a new bike! I traded in last year's bike to get this one, a 29" wheeled mountain bike that is fits me perfectly and climbs like a dream!
As you may see from her body language in the photo above, Shyla is still afraid of bikes. It's quite odd because she's been around bikes so much. She's not afraid of my bike when I'm riding it or standing over it. But, she's afraid of it when it's by itself.

So, when I called her to come to me this morning, Shyla quickly pushed herself away from the scary bike before starting to run to me.
After posing so nicely for me, I didn't make her stand near an unattended bike again. She ran like the wind!
We visited an aspen grove where we've been watching buds develop on the Columbine plants. We found that one had bloomed! The intense green background is the morning sun filtering through the dense small aspen trees.
Then it was time to take the sneaky route home. It seems that many visitors from lower elevation towns are up here in the mountains today. Fortunately, we know many secret ways to get from one place to another so we avoided them after hearing loud groups off in the distance.
I go to the forest for the peace and solitude so that's why I tend to avoid the crowds that show up on beautiful sunny days like today. Being a local, I'm fortunate to be able to go to hidden places on days like today and enjoy solitude while the crowds congregate in other places.

By being quiet and peaceful, I can notice beautiful small things, like this Lady Bug in the grass.
Happy Summer Eve!


  1. congrats on the new bike! love the columbine!

  2. Can't be too careful when that bike isn't being supervised and controlled by KB. Not surprising that it makes such a difference to Shyla.

    We also have our special places that the tourists can't get to. And living in a heavily wooded community with tons of hiking trails and four lakes gives us a lot of opportunities. And having the entrances gated and guarded gives us extra protection. Makes our summers much more pleasant.

  3. Happy Summer Eve to you and the pack!

  4. that is interesting that Shyla does not like the bike, at least by itself.
    We can't believe that summer is here tomorrow!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  5. What a beautiful columbine!!! At least you can get Shyla NEAR a bike and then even ride along side you. Lightning does all he can to get as far away from a bike as he can. He even spends his whole walk time on high alert for them:(

  6. Awe, poor Shyla! That's weird that she's worried about the bike when it's by itself. It looks like she had a ton of fun, after the picture, though!

  7. Happy Summer Eve KB!!!
    We love your new bike too!
    We can feel the solitude in your forests,,,and seeing the beauty-- oh my gosh! The columbine is gorgeous! And seeing Shyla run like the wind.. makes us happy!
    We are so happy for you that you have your secret places where it is quiet!

  8. Seems funny that Shyla doesn't like the bike by itself....

  9. It is kind of funny what some dogs are afraid of. My granddog, Beemer, is afraid of Black Jelly Beans! Ha!! Your new bike is AWESOME!! I will be debuting a new surprise on my blog...hopefully on Monday and I am so excited!! Shyla looks so beautiful when the two of you are together on your mountain trails. Gorgeous photos!! I LOVE that LadyBug!!
    Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  10. Happy Summer! The columbine is just gorgeous!

  11. what a wonderful way to spend the longest day of the year with a long walk... or ride :o) I'm afraid of bikes too and I always try to chase them away :o)
    easy rider

  12. Such beautiful photos! Shyla knows the bike should not be without you!

  13. I love the ladybug photo, and that intensely green flower photo. And Shyla is as gorgeous as ever! :)

  14. Love your images! And I am positively drooling over your bike! Have fun on it!

  15. Yeah, I suspicious of those two wheeled thingies myself Shyla!! Though skateboards and scooters are worse! BOL
    Oooooo! Purty flowers!!! So jealous....☺
    Ruby ♥

  16. That's really interesting abut Shyla and the bike. I wonder if she secretly worries about you when you are riding!

  17. I have always been a fan of your beautiful photography, but that top photo is just gorgeous! Happy Summer!


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