Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 19, 2015

Wildflower Friday

Our world is bursting with wildflowers so I thought that I'd join Dory with a Flower Friday post. Of course, many of the photos include a chocolate Lab too!

On the peak near us called Hug Hill, the orange Wallflowers are in full bloom with the snowy mountains towering behind them.
And, in the meadows, yellow daisy-like flowers are having a party.
It's incredible to watch Shyla run through them.
In both meadows and aspen groves, Golden Banner is blooming, making a deep carpet of yellow.
Shyla loves to jump through the Golden Banner.
Last, but certainly not least, I saw the first blooming Columbine today!
It is the time of year when flowers dominate our landscape. Hummingbirds and bees buzz all around them. And Shyla and I enjoy visiting them every morning.
I know that we are two days early but Happy Summer!


  1. she looks mighty good in yellow. :)

  2. We think THIS chocolate lab and beautiful yellow (and purple) flowers go very well together:)

  3. She looks so beautiful against that field of yellow daisies! Can't help but smile looking at these pictures

  4. I love wildflowers! Shyla is so pretty frolicking among them!

  5. Ohhhh...that columbine...So very beautiful.

  6. You look beautiful with all of the pretty yellow flowers, Shyla, and the columbine is just gorgeous!

  7. Hari OM
    two of my favourite colours... yellow and chocolate!!! We still await 'summer' here in the Bonny Land.... sigh... YAM xx

  8. That is sure some beautiful romping!

  9. Such beautiful photos. Happy summer to you too! :)

  10. It is beautiful where you are!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. Your world is in full bloom!! The columbine,, what a beautiful blue,, and the carpet of yellow,, is like a yellow cloud!


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