Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Almost Wordless Wednesday

This photo is Shyla standing next to a flower that will forever remind me of love and loss. I first discovered these Fairy Trumpet flowers on July 15, years ago, on the day that my Acadia became an angel. Angel K left us on July 15, three years ago. The same magical flower is blooming every year on this date.
On this day, I truly realize that every moment that seems like an ending is also a beginning. I didn't know Shyla back when K died and left me with a broken heart... and now Shyla is part of my heart.


  1. That is a beautiful picture of Shyla. ~hugs~

  2. Shyla is such a pretty girl with the happiest eyes!

  3. Something the same down here, as both Tom and then Poppy vanished on April 6th, exactly 2 years apart. And then along came Boris. Love those flowers, and for you to share your special memory days with us, hugs in heaps.

  4. And were so thankful that there are more beginnings to help heal the holes in our hearts.
    Those are very special flowers with special meanings,, and special love,,and will be forever more.

  5. Shyla is so beautiful and precious. I don't own a dog (we can't have pets because of very severe allergies), but many dogs have captured my heart and I wept over many of their deaths. A dog can "steal" your heart, but at the same time they give you their heart and loyalty. They are wonderful companions - and such unique characters!

  6. KB, I love how the circle of life renews our spirit after a heartbreak. Each pup deposits so much into our hearts and lives. I think our past dogs help lead the next ones to us to fill the huge hole they left. Love the flowers. Also, saw the video with Tiny in the water-so cool! Hugs,

  7. The flower is beautiful. I love the idea that in every ending is a new beginning ...the circle of life.

  8. Dear Shyla, I wanted you to know that I thought about you yesterday in my Pilates class when I was trying to do something that scares me. You totally helped me be brave and challenge myself. You're awesome!

  9. That flower has a bit of the souls of your angels in it

  10. What a lovely symbol of love
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. So lovely that just a flower can bring back memories...

  12. The fairy trumpet flowers are so pretty and hold so many wonderful memories. I can see you smiling, KB.

  13. This post made me cry - but in the best way possible. So glad Shyla is in your life :):)

  14. we had tears in the eyes while reading... and we are glad Shyla is on your side now... in such moments we need a comforting paw...
    easy rider

  15. Beautiful. The words. The flowers. The dog.

  16. Beautiful post mates. We hope your memories bring you smiles too.
    No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  17. I imagine seeing those Fairy Trumpets brings you both sadness and joy. So many good memories of your canine friends now gone. I'm glad Shyla is there to help you smile.

  18. I love how you and Shyla have bonded...you have no idea how the two of you give me hope for my odd girl


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