Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Lovely Summer!

In the summer, I eat breakfast on our deck, with Shyla snoozing by my side. I love July because I watch the Flycatcher parents industriously catching insects and then flying under the deck to feed their nestlings.
They always keep an eye on me before they take the snack to their youngsters. I think that they'll be doing this for another week or so before the youngsters take their maiden flights.
It's a banner year for insects after all the rain. I think that the early part of nesting was very tough for the Flycatcher couple but the current part is probably incredibly good with the swarms of insects down near the ground (but not so plentiful up as high as the deck, thank goodness).

The insects are enjoying the riot of wildflowers with gusto.
And so are Shyla and I. I've never seen so many Mariposa Lilies in my life. Entire sections of meadow are covered in them. In the next photo, they are the white flowers with yellow centers all around Shyla. Most years, I feel lucky if we see a few!
Today, as we rode, I remembered the drought 3 years ago. We had almost zero wildflowers, and forest fires were breaking out all around us. I think I like having at last some rain!
The bears do too, although I know that some of their most common food crops were destroyed during the cold and rainy/snowy weather of May.

This is a new bear who has been around for a couple of weeks. She's been marking trees and swimming. Due to the small white dot on her chest, I thought I'd call her "Dot". I'm hoping that she's making this area her home territory because I am now convinced that something happened to our two matriarchs, Mabel and Cinnamom, and they probably won't be seen again.
Based on the way that bears divide up territories, I'm guessing that this female is the daughter of one of the two matriarchs. Usually, the females make their homes very close to where they were born. Here's Dot at the same tree, three days later.
I hope to find time to make a video about her exploits sometime soon!


  1. Such beautiful critters!. Howdy Shyla, howdy Wot!

  2. Kia ora KB,
    I love visiting your place! Especially on a rainy dream winters day here.

  3. Any extra room on your deck for breakfast? It is too hot even that early here to enjoy some time there.

    We welcome Dot to your world:) You and Shyla must be truly enjoying all the beauty around you.

  4. I like Dot's flamenco style!

  5. Such endless beauty where you live
    Mr bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  6. I love flycatcher season...we don't have them here. And I like meeting "our" new bear, Dot!

  7. What beautiful flowers!! Shyla looks so happy frolicking in them!!

    Welcome Dot, hope we get to see lots more of you!

  8. She's cute. She looks little compared to the other bears. Hope she stays around and can find enough food for winter.

  9. I like "the new kid in town" and I hope this bear will love this beautiful part of your country as much as me
    easy rider

  10. Would we ever love to have breakfast on your deck, KB! We love the pictures of you romping though all of the beautiful wildflowers, Shyla!

  11. You live in SUCH a gorgeous part of the country! And your photos do it proud. I love your Flycatcher shots!

  12. Hello Dot, nice to meet you!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. I bet sitting out on your deck is just beautiful.
    stella rose

  14. You amaze me with the beauty all around you,,, and you capture it with your camera... We see so much beauty because of you!
    So beautiful, the flowers and Shyla,, and the bears,, and little birds!

  15. Dot is beautiful! Hope the berries are coming out with the flowers!


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