Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog, R, is having a wonderful summer but I haven't been getting many chances to take his photograph!
He is as intense as he's always been - I've never known any dog as intensely focused as R. In the next photo, I believe he was contemplating whether any rodent burrows were close enough for him to dig them up before I stopped him. He definitely was not focused on me!
After I got him moving, his focus returned to me and the games we were playing. He loves to do a high intensity recall!
He's been running with almost unbelievable grace given his very bad elbow. One reason might be that we were told by the orthopedist to shave a few pounds off of him, which we did very slowly over the spring and early summer. As you can see, he is quite skinny now. That's good for his elbow even if it means his tummy growls a little.
He's been running and swimming a lot with the Runner. Look at his musculature. I'm in awe of R!
It's always so hard to make health decisions for our dogs. In this case, we feel no worries about our choice to delay his elbow reconstructive surgery. We are looking forward to some big adventures in the high mountains later this summer, and we are thrilled that R will be able to play to his heart's content.


  1. He is ripped! If he stretched out on the beach the girl doggies would go crazy!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. He looks GREAT. Love seeing him in action.

  3. Hey R - you are looking good - you need to hare your secret for weight loss with Ciara:)

  4. We totally think you made the right choice for R. A whole summer of fun, then recovery when it's just nice to be inside where it's warm and snuggley!

    Ruby and Otto

  5. R looks amazing! It's not very often that you see labs that look as good as your two! :D

  6. So glad R is having such a good summer. And so glad you love him enough to have him a bit underweight. I get so angry and bite my tongue when my neighbor talks about how much joint pain her dog has. And the dog is quite overweight.

    Lovely photographs of your shining black dog.

  7. He looks great and he also looks healthy and happy -- It can't get much better than that for him!!

  8. I always enjoy seeing R. He has such expression in his face. What a cutie pie!

  9. Such a strong beautiful dog!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  10. He does look slender, but wow, those muscles! I'm so glad he can romp and play during the good weather.

  11. Being scotties, we think rodent burrows are more important than humans....sorry.

  12. you look pawsome... and I love it to see you in motion all that muscles and your black fur in the sun is a beautiful compawsition :o)
    easy rider

  13. You are quite the stud muffin, R!

  14. Such a fine looking pupguy he is! Do you have a date set for autumn surgery?

    My house is in repair, FINALLY, and I am making plans for sewing. It only too one year!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  15. Such a fine looking pupguy he is! Do you have a date set for autumn surgery?

    My house is in repair, FINALLY, and I am making plans for sewing. It only too one year!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  16. Such a fine looking pupguy he is! Do you have a date set for autumn surgery?

    My house is in repair, FINALLY, and I am making plans for sewing. It only too one year!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  17. Beautiful photos of that handsome dude!

  18. His facial expressions just say it all, beautiful pictures of R.
    stella rose

  19. Glad to hear his elbow is doing so well - he looks gorgeous, healthy, fit & strong!

  20. You really can see his intensity in his eyes! I love seeing a slim lab! In suburbia there is no such thing.

  21. Wow - he looks very handsome!

    Monty and Harlow


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