Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Summer Saturday!!!

Today is a glorious summer day - with sunshine and flowers.
My trail camera showed some of our young wildlife moving around. The next photo is the yearling moose calf who has acted as if he's been confused for the past few weeks. I could put together an entire video showing his travels. He keeps walking east for miles and miles. Then, for some reason, he makes a U-turn and comes right back to where his mom raised him last winter.
I will make that video sometime soon. It's so cool to have this guy in our forest. He's been staying well hidden from people. And, when I've glimpsed him, he quickly runs into the cover of the forest. He should move on at some point - finding his own territory. However, I'm starting to wonder if all the attractive moose territory near us is already taken by other moose.

Here was another young animal who came out of hiding the other day. Look how small that fawn is.
The fawn sniffed around the area, probably smelling some other animals, like moose and mountain lions, for the first time in his short life.
I adore this time of year - seeing the young animals who are so cute, and enjoying Nature's beauty which almost overwhelms me.
Happy Summer Saturday!


  1. I hope the fawn's mother was somewhere close by.

    xo Cinnamon

  2. We hope all the young critters stay safe. fun photos!

  3. Sweet baby fawn - we too hope Mom was close by. We thought of you tonight when we heard the story of the news about all the coyote attacks in Irvine, CA. Poor coyotes are looking for food and water, just like your bears.

  4. Happy summer to you and your pack!

  5. Hari OM
    Words seem superfluous to such joy as this... YAM xx

  6. Lovely summer Saturday. I saw a doe with a very tiny fawn the other day. So much smaller than normal. I hope it makes it. Love the photographs of Shyla.

  7. Such cute babies. We haven't had any peeks at of our local babies yet this year.

  8. Thank you for sharing the beauty in your world with us! We love all that Mother Earth shares too.

  9. OMD! lOOKIE AT THAT BABY DEER!!! So adorables!! Ma said that Moose reminded her of me as a wee lass....we gets LOOOOONG leggies for abouts a month when we're growin', and we kinda look like Moose! Okays, I thinks I'm offended by that! Geesh. Oh, and I LOVES that furst pic of Shyla! pawsome!
    Happy Saturday!!
    Ruby ♥

  10. What a baby still with spots, where is his Mum? And maybe this one will have those spots all his life. Beautiful summer days.

  11. What a great time it is for you all!

  12. The young animals are just the icing on the cake!

  13. I hope the fawn isn't an "or-fawn" and his momma is there too :o)
    easy rider

  14. The youngsters are just too cute☺

  15. Love the little fawn! We had 2 in our yard a couple weeks ago. This week on our walk we saw a young buck. It was only the second time in the 2 years we have lived here that we saw a buck, so it was extra exciting!

  16. We love seeing all the baby animals! Even the calves and colts in the fields!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


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