Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 10, 2015

See Beautiful

True beauty is in the heart of the beholder. As time goes by, this girl's beauty grows each day in my eyes.
We are rapidly approaching a tough part of the calendar for me. Both of my past two chocolate Labs, K and Acadia, died on July 15. For the past couple of years, I've found myself trying hard to be happy through that date but not naturally happy - if that makes any sense.

Then, just yesterday, I realized that something has changed for me. I am seeing the amazing beauty of the evolving bond between me and Shyla, rather than focusing on the past. Of course, those angels, and particularly K, changed me forever. Perhaps, by being part of my life, they helped me reach this point with Shyla.
This year is incredibly different for me and Shyla. We are a team, and I can count on her to be by my side all the time. In the forest, we move like a pair who know each other well, and I arrive home feeling peaceful and happy after a ride. In contrast, just last summer, I came home from many bike rides wondering if we'd ever feel like a team.

I am so glad that both she and I stuck it out, working on our teamwork, to reach this peaceful and wonderful phase. It is beautiful.
And that has made Seeing Beautiful even easier for me this year.
Happy See Beautiful Friday to all of you.


  1. Every single time we visit your blog we see beautiful!

  2. the photos of Shylar are beautiful but specially that third one. We are so happy that she brings you so much comfort and love. Have a good weekend.

  3. I'm so glad you have Shyla to help you through this difficult time! ~hugs~ Shyla is so beautiful and it's awesome that you stuck with her and that you are such a great team! <3

  4. We appreciate you sharing Beautiful Shyla with us.

    Happy Weekend :)
    XO Cinnamon

  5. You know I'm a sucker for columbine. Beautiful pics and wonderful post about you and Shyla. It has been amazing to watch the two of you bond.

  6. Sometimes the harder we work to achieve something the more precious it is. So happy you and Shyla are such a team, since both of you put a lot of work into it. I do love that Columbine. Gorgeous.

  7. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your journey together.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  8. It has been a beautiful thing to watch the love and beauty grow between you and Shyla.

  9. Agree with Brian about" seeing beautiful" each time we visit your blog! So glad you and Shyla have become a team—she's a beauty.

  10. It have seen so much beauty this year watching as you and Shyla have grown closer together. You both do a great job showing us what true beauty is all about!

  11. You and Shyla are the most beautiful team, KB ♥

  12. Love and patience. Two beautiful things!

  13. So much beauty and the joy of your bond is there in her face and your words.

  14. Hi KB - I rarely comment on your blog/posts but I have to pass on a heartfelt (!) comment directed at your entire blog and not just this post. It really is so very enjoyable to read your posts; from pictures and videos about the wildlife in your area to your travels to the desert to your bike riding, to all the various elements of your life in the mountains and of course about "your pack" (Shyla and R). Thank you for sharing and for sharing in the way that you do. I am very thankful to have your posts to look forward to!!


  15. K and the other Angels,, have helped you appreciated the "now",, and your enjoying them sharing that gift with you

  16. You too? I lost my last two on the same date... I found myself telling Macy "don't die today!" On May8... Sorry we haven't been around...my "good" shoulder is a mess and I've been off the charts with pain!


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