Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 9, 2015


Today, we finally saw some sunshine for the first part of the day. Although clouds still hovered over the mountains and in the canyons, it was a joy.
Shyla and I thoroughly enjoyed a sunny ride!
Although the sun was shining, the world was still so wet that we got soaked despite the sunshine.
I was so happy to see the sun that I rode home to pick up R and take a few photos of him in the wildflowers. Full sunlight isn't best for a black dog photoshoot but it's better than pouring rain!
It was a good day for the Cordilleran Flycatcher couple who are nesting under our deck. Here's a photo of the male, keeping an eye on me, as he protected the nest.
He's been protecting the nest for a long time. The mother was incubating eggs for 19 days. Most years, the eggs hatch after 15 days. For that reason, I was getting worried that the eggs had been damaged by the cold and wet weather. But, yesterday, I saw one nestling by peeking through a crack in the deck, and I did a little happy dance. The mother is still hunkered down, keeping the nesting(s) warm.

Here was the mother on the first day of incubation. She left the nest so rarely during incubation that I wonder how she possibly got enough to eat. I didn't see the male feeding her at all over that time.
Typically, the babies leave the nest around 2 weeks after hatching. However, nothing seems "typical" this year. Their development might be slowed by the lack of insects flying around for their parents to snag. The insects disappeared when the cold rain started many days ago. Here's a photo of mom getting ready to go out and catch some flies.
I'm hoping that we return to normal weather soon, for the sake of my sanity and for the sake of the wildlife, including our resident Flycatchers!


  1. Yay! Sunshine! It looks like both pups had a blast! I love the jubilant look on R's face! :D Those little birds are so neat! I hope the babies make it!

  2. such cute birds!! glad you had a good day. :)

  3. I learn more about nature from your blog than anywhere else. Loved the pictures of the Cordilleran Flycatcher and her babies

  4. I love your bird photographs. And your dog photographs. And your scenery photographs.

  5. Those birds are so cute! And I love that field of wildflowers that Shyla is in! Talk about gorgeous!

  6. the bird photos are fantastic.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  7. Ziggy is just learning about this big place called "outside" and he is loving it. It is so funny to see him sniffing and getting all excited.

    Anne and Ziggy

  8. Amazing photos!
    Happy to hear you got some sunshine!
    We have been needing rain for a long time now,,, Its been not the normal for us,,,, its hot and dry..
    I hope normal comes to you!

  9. Come on, sun. Stay out. Nature needs you right now.

  10. What cute little birds and Shyla and R look so happy racing through the wildflowers!

  11. I agree sunshine isn't the best to take photos of black furfriends... but it's amazing what wonderful effects we get when the sun meets black fur :o)
    easy rider

  12. I think most of the nation is hoping for a return to whatever is normal for their area. It has been so wet this summer!

  13. How fun you get to watch them right on your deck. Cool photos. It needs to be sunny here too. We have art shows this weekend, and next.

  14. Great photos, we love the one of Shyla and all those wild flowers!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. What gorgeous wildflowers to frame Shyla and R's beauty!!!!


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