Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 20, 2015

Some much needed silly time

I felt the need for some silliness today after the rough few days we've had. So, Shyla and I played a a very silly game.

First, she balanced a whole bunch of treats on her nose and forehead. She had to focus intently to balance that many treats but she became very good at it!
Then, I released her to launch the treats.
She sometimes caught one or two in her mouth and then I picked up the rest to feed to her. I laughed a lot during this game which made her zoom in happy circles around me. I think it was just what we needed!

R still seems zonked, and my head still hasn't completely escaped the migraine. I discussed R's condition with our vet this morning, and we agreed that we would wait until tomorrow morning for his blood test. Hopefully, that delay will help both of us recover with more rest time instead of driving time. The one downside to living in the mountains is that nothing is nearby, not even our vet.

We know the acute signs of liver and kidney problems, and we aren't seeing any of them in R. That makes us hopeful that his blood values will be normal too.

Meanwhile, he continues to sleep a lot. I didn't awaken him for a photo today. The boy needs his sleep!

Here's one more smile photo from Shyla's silly game today. If you look closely, you can see one treat that landed in her mouth!
Smiles to all of you!


  1. Some much needed comic relief! Glad R is holding steady. :)

  2. The silliness makes us smile - good for you and Shyla! Poor R - his body went through so much. But sleep is good for healing too. Good luck on the upcoming visit. Feel better yourself.

  3. That first shot she's all, "really Mom? This is ridiculous!" Love it!

  4. Play and sleep - both so important!

  5. These pictures are wonderful. I agree with Mr. WD - her eyes are saying REALLY MOM?!? We continue to send POTP to R.

  6. These picture left me with a smile. Praying everything works out for you

  7. Hari OM
    The best of all destressors, laughter. May you have much more of it. Continued blessings, YAM xx

  8. Sometimes you do just need to be silly. Hope things go well and R continues his recovery. Still sending positive thoughts.

  9. Those photos are hilarious! Poor R, I hope his blood levels come out okay! Get some rest, buddy!

  10. Good for all of you, including sleeping R. I'll be watching to hear the results and am keeping my fingers crossed.

  11. I'm not surprised the R is sleeping so much. What his poor little body has gone through this week. Loved that you and Shyla got out and played a bit.

  12. Hey gurl!!! Wowsa! I don't knows if I could do that..I thinks the treaties would tickle me and I would shake them off my heads! BOL
    I'm glads that your Moms retrieved the dropped treaties..this is very good training of the peeps Shyla! ☺
    This is such good news about R! Makes me wanna do a happy dance! Okays, I thinks I will...(okays, you can see me, butts I'm TWERKING like Madi! hehehehe..OUCH! oooooh, okays, don't try that at home....)
    It's okays, nothing a margarita won't fix!!
    We'll have to set a time when I can drive my margarita truck up to you guys so we can celebrate! WoooHooo!
    Ruby ♥

  13. Hang on there R, you are doing OK by the sound of it, another day, sleep is the best of all healers. Shyla, you could so well be a performer. well done,love that line down your face and nose. KB, keep smiling, so far you have really been a true brick/stalwart/ girl with a strong heart and spirit to hang on, to let us all know progress, and with that migraine, how do you do it all? lots of love and caring thoughts again for continued well-being for you all.

  14. We all need silliness at times--and you deserved it! Love the treat shots. Still have our paws crossed.

  15. Oh how Shyla reminded me of all the different things I would put on Gooses nose and head. He was so very good at it. Love the shots of Shyla. Give the cracker dog R a hug for me.

  16. Wonderful silliness!

    After the shock R had to his system, it will probably take him a little while to recover completely. The important thing is that he is getting better!

  17. You are such a joy and such a clown, Shyla. We love these photos☺
    Rest is the best thing for R. Our thoughts and prayers continue.

  18. Shyla that looks impressing, you are an artist ... you need your own saturday night show, that's for sure... I can't do that not even with one treat! BRAVO!!!!
    easy rider

  19. Crikey ..... I can't wait to see R having silly time with you and Shyla. Silly time is good. Get better soon R. Our thoughts and prayers are still with you.

  20. OMD, that second shot with Shyla trying to catch the treats just made us laugh and laugh!!! How pawesome. We'll keep our paws crossed that all R's tests go well!

  21. Those pictures definitely made me smile. I've been thinking of you, and it sounds like you all need some down time to finish recovering.

  22. Good to have some fun to help de-stress. Rest is good.
    Mr Bailey,Hazel & Mabel

  23. We are So relieved that R is doing better! Hope you are feeling better too. Shyla is such a patient girl to allow all those treats on her head. A much needed giggle for you and all of us too. Take care.

  24. Bravo Shyla, that is darn good! Continued purrs and prayers for R and we hope the all normal shows up soon.

  25. Clever - and funny - Shyla! Thanks for the laugh. Glad to hear R is holding steady. While he sleeps, his body heals. And anti-seizure meds can have a sedating effect too for some dogs, if he is still on them.

  26. Hi KB, I'm so happy to hear that R spend yesterday resting-yes, the body need sleep in order to heal. I agree with all the comments above and was overjoyed to see you and Shyla having some fun. What an incredible exercise in self-control. I've never been able to teach any of my pups to hold treats like that-you give so much to your pups, no wonder they do this easily. Hope your migraine left and that R's vet visit was good.
    Hugs, Noreen

  27. My Golden used to love balancing treats on her nose. Well, she actually loved anything involving treats... So glad R is resting and recuperating. Hope your head feels better soon. A big bull moose just passed through our yard close to the deck. I was glad I wasn't weeding the garden!

  28. I'm glad you took a little time to laugh - you have been so much in my thoughts the last couple of days.

    Monty and Harlow

  29. Good catch Shyla!

    Hope the vet results are good.

  30. Just wanted you to know we stopped by. Mom's arm is so sore after a shot today that she finds it hard to type.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  31. What a fun game! Looks like you both had some much needed fun. Are fingers and paws are crossed for R's bloodwork to come back perfect!

  32. Keep having fun Shyla,,, you make all of us smile..
    We continue the POTP for R !

  33. What fabulous photos! Just rejoicing in all the R updates! Happy news


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