Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Black and White Sunday - Our Black Dog

R has been sleeping deeply almost continuously since he came home. I came over to him with my camera, and he continued to slumber, not even acknowledging my presence. Then, I opened the treat jar, and this was the sparkly eyed, albeit tired, look he gave me.
So far, I think he's simply tired from the battle his body waged. We see the vet again tomorrow.

Thank you for the amazing support.


  1. He should be tired after all he has been through, but his eyes look great:) Hope tomorrow's visit goes well.

  2. Oh we are doing the happy dance over here.
    Yeah, you are one loveable boy!
    Kisses and hugs.
    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  3. We love you, R! Feel the betterment soon! You look great :-)

    Ruby and Otto

  4. Such a beautiful boy.....Keep feeling better R!!!

  5. So happy toe see his sparkly eyes!

  6. Your boy is amazing!

    Your Pals,

  7. Your boy is amazing!

    Your Pals,

  8. I'm sure it has been an exhausting several days for all of you. R's body took quite an insult so it isn't surprising that he is tired. Seizures make a body sore all over much like having the flu. Thank goodness he is making such a good recovery. Still sending positive thoughts to all of you.

  9. A treat is always a good eye opener. Hope you feel better soon buddy.

    Aroo to you,

  10. He is gorgeous! And so glad to hear he's recovering nicely...and looking forward to treats!

  11. Still sending good thoughts your way.

  12. Oh R, it is so FABulous to see you dude!! You do look a bit sleepy, butts amazin'!! Oh, and I hopes that was a yummy treatie!! ☺
    Ruby ♥
    pees: {{hugs}} for Shyla too! Hey gurl! ☺

  13. Crikey R ...... so good to see you lookin' bright eyed mate. keep getting better, aye?? Sleep is good!!!!!

  14. Restorative sleep is a gift :)

  15. What a sweet boy! I'm glad he's seeing the vet tomorrow, just in case. Thank you so much for keeping us informed.

  16. Ahhhhhh....the sound of the treat jar. Bound to get a response. Keep Improving R.

  17. I have had R and all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Ziggy sends POTP. I am so glad he is home and I hope it is all good news from here.

    Anne and Ziggy

  18. You sure do look fabulous to us, R! Keep getting better and better, buddy!

  19. ahhhhh the power of the treat jar. Never fails :):)

    POTP to R - sleep well, and get lots of rest.

  20. Hey there R! We are so glad to hear you are doing better and home with your mom and dad! You look just a little groggy but hopefully you will feel a little better each and every hour! Prayers beng sent!! xo Chloe and LadyBug

  21. Rest up handsome prince.

    I don't know if it is the same with dogs, but I work with a number of individuals (and also know a few) who have seizure disorders and exhaustion after seems to be very common.

  22. His strong spirit just shines out from those eyes. He's a remarkable soul. I agree with Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady; when our daughter had seizures it took up to 24 hours for her to return to normal. After the severity of R's symptoms it is no wonder he needs lots of rest. Responding to the treat jar sounds like a very good sign though! Hugs to you all.

  23. Hari OM
    Treats work a treat! Cont'd POTP for you R... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  24. So sweet to see R's face. We hope the vet visit goes well today. We are just so pleased that he is pulling through this
    Mr Bailey, Hazel, Mabel & Mom

  25. Oh my goodness - I've been away, and just came back to read all of this! How dreadful for R and you :( My little one was sick a few weeks ago - though not nearly as bad as R - and we, too, thought maybe she got into something toxic. I did see some unusual mushrooms in my yard. R is a favorite of mine, he's such a perpetual puppy! Wishing y'all all the best with all of my heart...

  26. We sure hope R returns to completely normal super soon.

  27. His recovery just made our weekend so much better...you just keep on fighting the fight buddy!!!
    stella rose

  28. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers R. Sending lots of hugs
    Lily & Edward

  29. Good heavens! I hadn't seen your blog in a little while, and now checked in to find that I missed all the scary stuff and got here just in time to know that R is okay and resting at home. I hope he is back to his crackerdog self soon!

  30. This makes us smile all the way through to our hearts!!!!!

  31. sweet, sweet, beautiful boy. I hope he continues to recover well.


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