Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 18, 2015

A miracle...

I feel as if we've had a miracle bestowed upon us.
At 3 PM yesterday, R was mostly unresponsive and having seizures. The experts in our town felt his condition was going downhill so fast that he needed all the high tech equipment (possibly a ventilator) and the top specialists at the state veterinary hospital.

Before yesterday, I didn't know that pet ambulances existed. However, R rode in one to Colorado State Vet School, with a wonderful vet who was working overtime for his sake. She told me that R had more seizures in the ambulance so she had to give him more anti-seizure medicine via his IV. I was really glad that he had a vet with him rather than just us.

Very soon after arriving at CSU, he stopped deteriorating and showed glimmers of improvement. By the wee hours of the morning, his life was no longer in immediate danger. We drove home to grab a few hours of sleep. 

At 7AM, he still had "gait ataxia", which means he was walking in a clumsy way and stumbling sometimes. But he hadn't had any seizures since the night before.

So, you can imagine my disbelief upon hearing that his neurological status was completely normal by early this afternoon. Seriously, I thought someone had their messages mixed up. But it was true. And they wanted him home with us so he'd be in a low stress environment. So he is here, sleepy but able to move and behave normally.

The vets now think the neurological symptoms were caused by a toxin, although we will never know what exactly it was - a mushroom, compost, or something else. We are even more confused by the fact that he had not been outdoors off-leash for the previous two days so we knew he hadn't eaten something mysterious.

The vets want his blood drawn regularly over the next few days. Often, toxins act first on the nervous system and then move onto the liver and kidneys a few days later. Our vets will be watching for that and hoping it doesn't happen.

I'll take the miracle that we have so far. Last night, I didn't know if he'd survive, and now he's sleeping on his dog bed at home.

I took these photos the evening before the disaster. As I looked at them last night, I wondered if we'd ever get to go for a walk with him again. I wished we'd taken more note of that particular walk - because I thought it might have been his last. That fact re-teaches me a life lesson - never take tomorrow for granted.
A miracle...
Thanks to all of you. Lots of people don't understand Blogville. In fact, I had no idea what a supportive and loving community I was joining when I wrote my first blog post back in January of 2009. Every time we've had a crisis, you've shared your generous hearts with us. I feel so blessed to be part of this community.

Not surprisingly, I now have a migraine so I'll be stepping away from the keyboard for a little while.


  1. I'm so glad he's home! That's wonderful news! I hope he will be okay and that whatever it was doesn't effect his other organs!

  2. K is watching over him. Thank Dogness he's home again where he belongs.

  3. We are so thankful for the veterinarians that worked so hard to help R.
    We are thanking the universe,, and we feel so grateful that R is home.
    We will keep sending the POTP love and good wishes,,,
    and we hope your migraine eases off,, and you can enjoy your sweet R.

  4. OMD, this is the bestest news! I am SO glads R has improved so much! I agree with Amber, K is watchin' over him and all of you.
    I am so thankful for such amazin' vetties!! What would all of us do without them caring so much? I sure hopes your migraine lets up..I will send you some AireZens and healin' vibes..for R too!
    Thanks for keepin' us updated..this made my night!
    Ruby ♥

  5. Tears of joy at the latest news. K was sending her love down from the stars, as we sent ours from the ground level. Sleep that blessed sleep of relief and joy at a miracle, let that migraine go so fast, and know how much we all share, care, and encompass each other at all the good times, the worries, and more. Hugs to all at your home. XXX

  6. So happy for you, and of course R. What a scary scenario, and such a mystery.

  7. Sounds like you need some well earned rest. We'll still keep our paws crossed for the liver and kidneys. Hope there's another miracle. Good reminder to enjoy EVERY day as is comes.

  8. So very insanely happy for the update... Continued good thoughts for *our* boy :)

  9. So happy that R is home. we will continue the prayers and POTP that he will continue to be well
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  10. I was just about to shut down and thought I would check and there it was, a wonderful update! Way to go R, we are so happy you are him. Keep improving you special boy!

  11. We are so very happy...tears are in our eyes..What a blessing from the heavens above
    Stella rose and momma

  12. Oh how absolutely wonder-full to have R home, where he belongs!
    I will hope with all my heart for a complete recovery and no further ill effects, and also for a rapid disappearance of your migraine. Good night to you all, from one little cottage in Blogville :)

  13. Oh R...we're so glad you're home! Now the humans can fall apart!! Regarding liver and kidneys: Gizmo was bitten by a rattlesnake one day when we were away from home until 9PM. I couldn't get him to the vet until the next morning. He had liver function tests every 2 - 3 days for 10 days and everything was fine. He was a little younger than R, but no less healthy. We'll continue with the POTP for all of you. And yes, Blogville is the best support system effur!!

  14. Hari OM
    The heart swells... Handsome R is where he ought to be. May blessings continue with you all! Hugs and wags, to both doggys, YAM (aunty) xxx

  15. This is wonderful news! We continue to purr for R.

  16. We will take that miracle and rejoice!!! And we will continue to hold R close in our hearts and prayers for all to be well. Rest for you, my dear, so very much earned and needed. We hope the morning finds you feeling much better.

  17. I am so very thankful that R is recovering well and that the vet was right there to administer an IV anti-seizure med. I recently lost Eddie, my sheltie hiking buddy, to massive cluster seizures from an unknown cause, and know how very scary this can be. Stay well, R, we are all rooting for you!

  18. Our mom just let our a huge sigh of relief! We're thrilled to hear R is back home already.

  19. Such good news! So glad R is doing so much better. Hope nothing turns up in the coming bloodwork. What happened is strange and scary.

  20. We are so very happy to hear that R is home and recovering. "Whew" is all we can say! It is very mysterious since he wasn't outside off leash...

    I hadn't heard of an animal ambulance either, but thank heavens that's how he was transported and the vet was with him.

    All rest well!

  21. What awesome news! So happy to hear that R is home and doing well.

  22. (Sigh of relief!) Phew! So glad you had an awesome team of veterinarians at hand! Still sending you healthy thoughts that he continues to mend. Go R!

  23. We were so glad to read this news this morning and even more pleased to hear that he is home with you. Here's hoping he continues to improve and that his blood work holds up. I agree, never take tomorrow for granted - our Sally was taken from us over the course of 24 hours and you do regret the little things you took for granted.

  24. Its been a long day this was such glorious news! Still prayerful for Prince Arrrr and hoping for no more scary surprises. . .None, none, none! Just perfection in that powerhouse's body. I'll be like everyone else and check in early tomorrow!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  25. Thank the good Lord for miracles! We continue to pray for improvement every single day for our furend R.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  26. We are so happy R is home and doing better....now, time to take care of yourself!

    Keeping up the POTP that R remains healthy!

  27. Thank you for the great news! I'm glad you all have such great vets and that R is being watched over.

    Good luck with the migraine! That sucks too.

  28. Such beautiful photos of a beautiful beautiful boy. Continue to feel better, T, and very much hoping that migraine is just passing through quickly.

  29. So so pleased that handsome R is back in his bed at home. We have our paws crossed that this it the end of it and his bloods stay good. Hoping your migraine passes quickly too. POTP x

    Kiersten, Khumbu, Kyra and Rita

  30. Glad to hear R is safe and home back where he belongs :) Sending him POTP for a continued recovery. Milo & Jet

  31. We are dancing for joy that you are home, R! POTP continues for 100% recovery! We hope your migraine is gone soon, KB.

  32. I'm so grateful for this miracle and I will cross my paws and I send potp that R is on the way to recovery. Hugs to you and I hope the migraine goes away soon...
    easy rider

  33. Hello, I am visiting from Nancy J's blog. I love dogs and hate to hear of any dog being sick. But, I am glad to hear there is good news and your sweet "R" is home now. Sending my prayers and hugs! And wishes for a happy new week!

  34. POTP represents a powerful community indeed. We will continue our positive thoughts that there will not be any lingering affects. Oh, what a wonderful day. Rest easy, KB and take care.

  35. So very thankful that he is home and returning to a healthy state.
    What a beauty R is and your love for both pups(all of your other pups too)is so touching. Praying that there is no kidney/liver damage done and that R lives many more years. Thank you for sharing life with us KB.
    Hugs, Noreen

  36. So far, so good! Best wishes and fingers crossed for no kidney/liver problems in days to come!

    So terrifying when something like this happens suddenly. Much love to you all.

  37. K, I have been off the grid for a few days and was shocked to read about everything your pack has been through in the past few days. I am elated to here that R has made a full recovery. That is a miracle. I hope that he continues to enjoy good health. Take care of yourself. Thinking of you.

  38. Hugs to you all. I'm so glad he's on the mend!

  39. I am SO happy for R and for all of you! Continued prayers for full recovery!

    Great news!!

    You must be so relieved...

  40. OMD! Hugs to you and R. I'm so glad he's doing better. We'll keep all our paws crossed that he continues to improve.

  41. We tried to add our comment from the cell phone but it might have vanished. Thanks be to God for the miracle of R's health!!!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  42. What fantastic news!!! I am so thankful to God!!! We'll continue to pray for him!

  43. Home where he belongs - that's such good news. We were in Vail for lunch today with the friend I told you about whose dog ate a mushroom and was in a very bad way for a few hours, with seizures, disorientation, and instability. Luckily, that dog also survived, but they don't allow him outside at all now in summer without a muzzle to keep him from eating mushrooms.

  44. Amazing. So happy he is home. I hope you find the cause so you can avoid it happening again.

  45. POTP works miracles for sure. KB I too marvel at blogville, even when I don't have a blog. Time and time again, I see those truly in need lifted up by those in the blog universe. When someone hurts and needs help, it is human nature to want to assist in any way possible. Most of us do not know each other IRL, but in blogville, that doesn't matter one bit.

    Take care of yourself now - I hope R continues to improve little by little. He loved you and the whole pack so much :):) I'm sure being home with you all is healing to his spirit.

    Much love,
    Diane and Indy Bones

  46. What a horrible time you have had. Jean mentioned you to me.

    We're making decisions about radiotherapy for my husband, with CT Scans and Bone scans. It's been really tough.
    All the best from Canada.


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