Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 18, 2015


Thank you so much for the support! I read all the comments when we finally got to bed at about 2 AM.

This is a short update. R survived the night and made big strides in the right direction. He is responsive, can stand, and can walk with only mild ataxia (stumbling, clumsiness). He's also acting more like his normal self, which means he is alertly looking for attention.

It feels like a miracle to me. When we last saw him, he barely knew we were present, was having seizures and all sorts of involuntary movements, and couldn't support his own weight. Both we and the vets feared he might lose his life yesterday.

The vets are returning to the original diagnosis of toxicity. The other things on the list were more scary but toxin ingestion is usually completely reversible if the dog survives.

He will be staying in the hospital. We don't know how long.

Thanks again. Blogville is amazing, and the POTP is magical.


  1. Oh KB... how scary. Continued good thoughts for all of you!

  2. So happy to see this update - I hope he continues to recover well with no long term effects.

  3. Still sending positive and loving thoughts for R and a full recovery. The signs look promising and I hope the progress continues. Thoughts for you and the runner. I know it's a difficult time for all.

  4. So thankful to hear this! Keep up the healing R!

  5. Glad to hear things are headed in the RIGHT direction this morning.

  6. This is the post we were hoping to see. We will all continue our POTP thoughts for R to make a full and complete recovery. Hang in there, R. We all know you can do it.

  7. We sure have been worried. Contined purrs and prayers to dear R for a complete and quick recovery.

  8. we were hoping for an update - Thank you. Very encouraging news. We will keep our prayers coming for you all.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel, Mabel & mom

  9. I checked in with you as soon as I awoke this AM - had R on my mind. Thank goodness, he is heading in the direction of recovery. I texted my D-i-L to remind her to be careful of the Lab puppy who tries to eat everything. I think all our CO moisture has started mushrooms growing. Hugs to you all.

  10. Thank goodness! That is a good report for sure! Do they suspect a mushroom? Sounds like it might have been.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. Thank doG R is going in the right direction. We have been worried sick and praying like crazy! More POTP is heading your way, R! We want you back to 100%♥

  12. So glad to hear a great update on R! POTP!

  13. I will keep the prayers coming until he's 100% better. How very frightening for you all. Thanks for letting us all know.


  14. What a totally encouraging report to wake up to! Thanks for thinking of us and sharing this good news. May the upswing just continue. POTP will continue and prayers from me.

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  15. Oh, I am shaking as I read this and your previous post on R. We're sending positive thoughts and prayers to R and you! We're so glad to hear R is improving!

  16. Just read about R on POTP blog and came over. What a terrifying thing to happen. So glad to see the update. We certainly hope he will soon be okay! A warm hug for R's humans.

  17. Oh thank goodness! We are hoping that he has made it past the worst! Sending lots and lots of love!

  18. What a miracle! Praying for continued healing for R. 24 Paws crossed.

  19. Thank u so much for the updAte...We are still praying and keeping all of u close to our hearts
    Mom and Stella rose

  20. This brought tears to my eyes! So glad to hear R's condition has improved and he is heading in a positive direction. Thank you for posting an update. Will be keeping good thoughts for R and for all of you.

  21. OMD!! I jsut saw this! What a frightening night you all experienced. Of curse know that extra-strength rottie POTP is zooming to Colorado right now. Hoping R is back home soon. Sending hugs to the rest of the pack...

  22. KB, He is in the best place possible. So thankful to hear this news. Are you staying in FC overnight? Is there anything you need-other than K being totally back to normal and going home? Here lifting you all up.

  23. Such encouraging news! I hope he continues to improve throughout the day :)

  24. Hari OM
    Keeping the list entry active until all clear sounded! But ... phew.... Hugs, YAM xx

  25. This is great news, and after a very worrying sleepless night for you both, thanks so very very much for the update. Let all that improvement continue, and that they find the reason behind this, and R makes a total recovery. Hugs to you and Runner, and Shyla will be there with her TLC too.

  26. We were really worried going to bed here in Europe last night and are so, so glad he is moving in the right direction.

  27. I'm so glad he's doing better! I was so worried! ~hugs

  28. Such good news! I will continue up to hold you all in my prayers for continued improvement!

  29. OMD, this is the bestest news ever!!! I checked furst thing this morning and saw the update, and it just made my day! Sendin' tons of healin' vibes and POTP R's way!!! and LOTS of AireZens to you!!! {{{hugs}}}
    Ruby ♥

  30. Thank you so much for the update. What a blessing emergency vets are! Fingers crossed that R makes a complete recovery.

  31. Sending POTP from New Zealand to R for a full recovery.

  32. Great news.....but we'll still keep our paws crossed and the POTP coming your way.

  33. So very glad to hear of R's improving status! I continue to send positive vibes for continued healing!

  34. We are still.... expecting a miracle
    love tweedles

  35. Yes, that POTP really does work wonders. We know that from our own experience. Continuing to send that and lots of love and prayers too.

  36. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeee I am so glad he is improving.
    Our family will keep you & R in our prayers.
    xo Cinnamon

  37. We are just catching up on what has happened to R. We are glad to hear his is feeling better and will keep our paws crossed he will make a speedy recovery.

  38. Crikey ...... thanks so much for the update. You must still be so worried. It's sounding a lot better now though, aye?? Dear R ...... please get better! We are still thinking of you and sending all sorts of healing prayers and POTP your way.

  39. Still praying for you R and all your pack, sending love and power of the paw prayers from Baltimore :)


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