Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 31, 2015

Wildflowers and Bees Galore

We are joining Dory in featuring flowers on Friday!

The bumblebees in our area are flourishing with our incredible wildflower crop.
 They adore the purple Loco Weed.
And I love watching them.
 It looks like Lady Bugs like the Locoweed as well!
Our pollinators have been so plentiful that I sometimes see bugs flying out of the flowers as Shyla runs through them. Shyla isn't allergic to anything that we know of yet. However, Angel K was allergic to a huge array of things. I still haven't learned not to hold my breath in terror when our chocolate lab is near potentially biting bugs!
Shyla doesn't worry about it like I do... and I'm glad for that!


  1. The flowers are so pretty and I love the photo of Shyla running through them!

  2. How beautiful the flowers are! We hope you're never allergic to anything, Shyla!

  3. Very nice photos of the flowers and bees! And of course of Shyla too
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  4. Great shots!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    PS - Watch for the addition of our "BAR" page on Wednesday so the latest information on the Blogville Awesome Retreat in June 2016!

  5. Somehow seeing bees makes me feel that something is all right in our world after all. Love Shyla romping through the wildflowers.

  6. Love the pictures of the bees. You know our angels come back as ladybugs and butterflies so that ladybug could be Rover or Astro

  7. Wow..I didn't realize that bees look like they have fur.... :)

  8. Shyla? Not worried? That's a good thing!!

  9. Macro magnificence. Love that shot of Shyla too. All Ok down here.

  10. Love the macros, KB! Those bugs are drunk with pollen!

  11. What great macro shots....and just love the pretty pink wildflowers next to Shyla's coat!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  12. I love the photo of the bee and the ladybug together :o) I hold me breath in terror too because Easy is a bug&bee hunter... I always hope the bees&bugs are fast enough :o)
    easy rider

  13. Oh, to not have the "worry gene"! Beautiful Shyla looks blissful on her romp through the flowers. And happy to hear both the flowers and bees are thriving in your neck of the woods!

  14. Those are such amazing close up photos!

  15. KB. you take the most splendorious photos!
    Those bees, and lady bugs, and flowers...!
    We try to take photos of bees too.. but we get just nothing!
    Thank you for sharing your world,, it is soo beautiful.. and watching Shyla run,, and smile,,,, it makes us smile too


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