Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wordless Wednesday - I love our World

This photo sums up what I love so much about our life. The flowers, the mountains, and our dogs. And I am still thanking our lucky stars for the miracle that R is still with us and flourishing.


  1. Your next of the woods is mighty pretty! We are just thrilled that R is doing so well.

  2. So beautiful!!! And it is so good to hear how well R is doing:) Big smiles here.

  3. Your world is so beautiful and we are so happy that R is enjoying it!

  4. It's always a good idea to pause and appreciate all the things we have. So glad R is continuing to improve.

  5. Such a beautiful picture. We're so glad to hear R is feeling better.

  6. Millie and Walter took the words right out of our muzzels!!

    Ruby and Otto

  7. Glad R is doing much better.

    Aroo to you,

  8. Hari OM
    Such good news about R... and that is a fabby shot of Shyla! YAM xx

  9. Your world is truly beautiful,,, and we thank those lucky stars too,, that R is doing wonderfully!

  10. What a wonderful and miraculous summer this has become!!

  11. I'm thankful too that you all can enjoy the beautiful things of our world... that's a wonderful photo...I would like to give her a hug :o)
    easy rider

  12. I have a feeling, with your wonderful positive attitude toward life, you would be happy where ever you were!

    Glad R recovered so well!

  13. Beautiful! You make me want to move to Colorado. I don't know if I could handle that much winter though :)

  14. We are so thankful that R is doing well. Knowing first hand what those toxins can do, I know just how scary it was for you and what a miracle it is he is doing so well
    Linda & the pugranch kids

  15. While we were waiting on Mom to get done with her surgery on Monday I was telling Dad all about your blog and R and Shayla. We are so happy that R is doing so well.
    stella rose and momma

  16. Nothing like the terror ride R went through to make you appreciate the normal days! Have a wonderfully normal day!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. It radiates peace and happiness
    Lily & Edward

  18. There is so much to love about your life, and I'm also grateful for the miracle for R as well!!

  19. Hey KB and all!

    We are all doing OK too, mostly because its cooled off a bit, but still warm and pretty out. But R, we were so worried about him and you are so lucky to have such great vets in your area.I don't think it so much that way here. I am so angry with the Bloomington dentist who killed that gorgeous lion.

    So just thinking of you all and wanted to check in.

    Cheers, Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  20. That's such great news about R. I'm so glad for you all.

  21. I am so happy about R. What a relief that must be!!

    Anne and Ziggy


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