Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Saturday Summary

Somehow the days since we returned have become very hectic! I only have time for a short update today. R is better than yesterday. He's eating small and bland meals but he's still very tired and subdued. We're hoping that rest will help his GI tract mend.

It's amazing how much I miss his crazy exuberance when it's absent. Sometimes his energy can be overwhelming when he's at 100% strength but the world feels wrong when he's subdued.

Here he was on our vacation, romping in the wildflowers in the San Juan Mountains.You can barely see an iconic peak, the Lizard Head, in the background.
 I hope that tomorrow I can report that his energy is returning!
Have a great weekend!


  1. I hope things settle down for you and that R feels better soon! Poor guy! It's so tough when they don't feel well!

  2. The world always feels wrong when the pups are ill. Keep improving, R.

  3. We hope R is back to his old self before long, and things can get back to good!!

    Just love both of these pictures!!

  4. Hope R is back to his normal self soon. Poor boy.

  5. Hari OM
    So sorry to read that R is under the weather again... POTP back to work!

    That tree is magnificent.... blessings hugs and wags, YAM (aunty) xxx

  6. Poor R. We sure do hope all is better soon and we know it is very stressful, especially what he had been through lately. That tree photo is amazing.

  7. Sending our pug hugs for R. We hope tomorrow will see more improvement
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  8. Ciara's been a bit "off" this week, so we understand that feeling of worry. But it is good to see his appetite picking up. Hope tomorrow is a big turnaround day.

  9. We're sorry to hear R isn't feeling well. We hope he continues to improve and will keep our paws crossed for him.

  10. Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know. R is on our minds, and we're wishing you all the best.

  11. Were sending our love and magic bubbles to R,,, so he gets to feeling better soon!
    What a beautiful snag tree!

  12. Hugs to you and POTP and I hope so much that you feel better tomorrow R. Paws crossed for an update with good news tomorrow ...

  13. We continue to send you tons of AireZen and healing vibes, R! We want you back to 100%!

  14. Glad R is beginning to improve. That tree shot is fabulous!

  15. Hey, Sister Gracie uses an inhaler too, one made for pets.

  16. Poor R ...I sure hope his beautiful and fun-loving energy returns soon. That picture really captures his spirit.

  17. We are glad R is improving. Any idea what caused it? We love that last photo!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. Wow Great pics. Hope R is better soon.


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