Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Shyla's Third Gotcha Day!

Yesterday was the third anniversary of the day we met Shyla. We didn't have a big celebration because we were too focused on R getting well again. Sometime soon, We'll go for a celebration outing sometime soon.

On that day when I met Shyla, I had no idea what an amazing journey I was embarking on. She was far less confident than I expected - indeed, she was truly fearful of almost everything. I wanted to "fix" her fearfulness immediately so I called a trainer to get to work.

It turned out that it has been a long but wonderful evolution from the fearful Shyla to today's Shyla. Now, she appears "normal" to most people, and that is the biggest victory that I could ever imagine. She's happy in her life and comfortable with the world. I honestly had moments over the years that I didn't believe that she would reach this point.
Most of all, we've bonded. Our bond is deep because we've been through so much together. We've both learned to muster the courage to put one foot in front of the other, even after major setbacks. We've become a team, and I love her with all my heart.
I feel like an incredibly lucky human to have had K and then to get a second dog who I love so very much - Shyla.
Yesterday, Shyla was the only pack member who wanted to hike up to see the full moon rise with me. We sat on a ridge in the midst of the most heavenly sage scent. The forest was completely quiet, and we watched for the first glow of the moon over the eastern ridge.

To my surprise, the moon was pink! I'm sure that it was due to the smokey haze from wildfires but it felt magical as Shyla and I gazed at it.
Happy Gotcha Day sweet Shyla. You are a gift to all of us.

P.S. R seems much better today. He's still not back to normal but I now feel confident that we're headed in the right direction.


  1. Happy Gotcha Day to Shyla.
    It's been a fun adventure watching her grow up.
    may she have many more gotcha days to come.
    Sending our POTP for R too.
    xo Cinnamon

  2. Happy Gotcha Day Shyla. We love seeing all the adventures you go on.

  3. Happy, Happy Gotcha Day sweet Shyla! Know that you are loved by many.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

    Glad to hear that R is doing a bit better.

  4. Shyla is a wonderful story of love and patience being rewarded. Glad R is on the mend.

  5. it also marks a new friendship begun between to bloggers.......

  6. Happy Gotcha Day Shyla. The two of you never fail to inspire me. Love and patience conquers fear. Wonderful that R is doing better
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  7. Pink moon, maybe a good sign that all is going to be well, R, just look at that and start to recover. Shyla, you are indeed a golden girl.

  8. Three years already! Happy anniversary, Shyla and KB :)
    I'm just catching up on three posts at once, so I'm very sorry R has been feeling poorly, and very relieved that he is already on the mend. I know what you mean about the world feeling wrong...when one of my loudest, most active goats is quiet, the silence is louder than any noise, and time moves very slowly. I hope R will be back to his usual boisterous self soon!

  9. Happy Gotcha Day to beautiful Shyla! <3 Also, I hope R feels better soon!

  10. Happy Gotcha Day Shyla!

    Were so happy that you have such a wonderful home,,, and that the bond you have with your mom, your brother R,, and the Runner helped you find your courage,,,

    Beautiful moon!

  11. Gorgeous picture of the moon! And I'm so happy for you and Shyla, and that R seems to be on the mend. I worry about him.

  12. I feel so lucky that I was able to be a small part of that day! Please give all of you a huge hug! I wish I could give one in person!! Xoxo

  13. Happy Gotcha Day to Shyla. We're so happy you found each other. And that moon! What can we say.....just magic.

  14. Happy Gotcha Day, Shyla! There couldn't be a more perfect team than you and your mom♥

  15. I feel so honored to have had the chance to know Shyla right from the start and watch her grow and change and become the wonderful pup she is today. Happy Gotcha Day, pretty girl!

  16. Happy Gotcha Day, Miss Shyla! Yeah...Blogville got together and arranged that pink moom for you. Did you like it?!? BOL!

    -Ruby and Otto

  17. Happy Gotcha Day Shyla!!!

    So glad R is on the mend an OMD, what a gorgeous moonrise!

  18. Already!! Happy Gotcha Day sweets
    Lily & Edward

  19. Happy Gotcha Day, Shyla! It's rare that you see a pup so absolutely and completely find the place she was meant to be. It's been wonderful watching you grow. Here's to many more!

  20. Happy Belated Gotcha Day to Shyla - she is one amazing girl who is so lucky to have her wonderfully amazing humans.

  21. Happy Gotcha Day beautiful Shyla! We are glad to see that R is doing some better today.

  22. Happy GOTCHA Shyla! Isn't it wonderful to be a team with your hooman? We hope R gets back to 100 percent very quickly!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


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