Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 21, 2015

Summer's Bounty

I love riding my mountain bike in mid-summer's glory on high alpine trails.
It never gets old, even after years of exploring.
While I'm out there, I sometimes see marmots. This one seemed so tame that I wondered if people had fed him. I talked with him for a while - and I named him Marvin. Do you see his two buck teeth? He's a huge rodent with the teeth to prove it.
Every year, I feel like the bottomless wildflowers are a gift, and I love playing with the Duo in them.
We play and play and play.
And then, some days, sunset is glorious. Do you see the almost full moon above the mountain?
This particular sunset, viewed from 11,300' in the mountains, got more intense by the moment. The mountain in the photo is almost 14,000' tall.
That almost full moon made the sky bright blue as the stars streaked across it over the course of almost an hour.
The bounty of summer is endless!


  1. What a post!!! So many flowers, such beauty. Thank you, thank you , thank you...

  2. Everything is just so beautiful. Must be very calming and refreshing to be surrounded by such glory.

  3. I still can't get over how beautiful it is there! <3

  4. What a blessing to live in such amazing beauty!

  5. When we see photos like that we feel closer to your place of beauty!

  6. Oh, that is sooooo beautifuls!!!! I don't thinks we've seen anything that green in years! And all those flowers! Wowsa!!
    I wish I could run with you guys!
    Ruby ♥

  7. Beautiful with all the wildflowers and the sunset, and it's always a pleasure to see the Labraduo playing.

  8. These photos are breathtaking.

  9. Oh my gosh KB!!
    The star show is amazing!! Totally un-real!!
    And the wild flowers are gorgeous,,,, oh how it would be so fun to just walk that trail!
    And yes,, we did see the almost full moon!
    The colors in everyone of these photos is just wonderful. The mountains look like a painting,,, all the shadows,,,, spectacular!
    Shyla and the little creature,,,, splendid photos!


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