Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Saturday Sunset

During our recent camping trip, we stayed in a very high meadow filled with wildflowers that awed us.
But, that campsite wasn't only beautiful by day. It has an incredible view of a couple of towering mountains. One evening, the skies turned pink as the moon was rising.
As dusk fell, the mountains grew darker but the sky seemed to grow more brilliant.
The pink spread all across the sky. The view in the photo above was to the south and the view in the next photo was to the north. Ah, what an unbelievable sunset show!
I won't forget it anytime soon!


  1. Just spectacular....one of those happy-to-be-alive sunsets!

  2. Just beautiful. Nature puts on the best shows.

  3. Thank you for sharing your beautiful Sunset with us city folks.
    We sure do appreciate those magnificent skies you have there in the Colorado mountains.
    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  4. That truly is a fascinating sunset. Such amazing colors! I tend to not forget moments like that either - they keep me through darker moments.

  5. Amazing skies!!! Such a beautiful part of our country.

  6. What a treat to be surrounded by such beauty. Gorgeous photographs.

  7. that's beautiful and I love this fabulous doggie-smile :o)

  8. We enjoy watching the sunsets too. A beautiful show by nature.

  9. We feel like we are right there with you!! So beautiful, and peaceful!


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