Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Superstar Sunday - Shyla and the Stars

As you all know by now, I love our days of camping in the high mountains in the summer. Every evening, as the sun sets, Shyla and I play and have fun with photos.

Shyla tries very hard to be a great model but sometimes other things take precedence! I don't know what she saw over there!
The wildflowers wow us as we play.
And Shyla loves lying in a meadow filled with fragrant flowers.
Then, as the sun dips below the mountains, Shyla waves goodbye to the day.
After everyone is asleep, my camera takes programmed time lapse photos of the stars. In this photo, the moon was totally full and was behind the camera. This photo includes 2.5 hours of the stars circling around Polaris. Look at how bright the world was! It was easy to walk around without a headlamp.
Summer evenings in the mountains feed my soul with their beauty.


  1. The caption for that first photo should be "Oh no she didn't!"

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. Great photos of Shyla and the night sky! I can do this with my new camera but have never tried it.

  3. Those were wonderful photos and Shyla always makes us smile! Love those stars!

  4. AND we are so glad you love camping so we get to see all the beauty you find around you. Seeing Shyla in today's photos brought us lots of smiles.

  5. Nature always makes our spirits stronger!

  6. There really is something so special about being outside and away from everything. Just as you said, it truly recharges our inner batteries and fill our soul.

  7. OMD, you guys look like you had such a FABulous time!!! Shyla, I bets you smelled a rat! hehehehehe And I'm givin' you a high-paw back! *slap*
    Ma is all goo-goo overs your star pic!!!! amazin'!
    Ruby ♥

  8. What a perfect time to rebalance KB!!!
    Your world,, I wish you could bottle some of the beauty that you see,,, some of those special moments,, and send to me.
    Thank you again and again for sharing,

  9. Shyla,,, you can be a clown,, or just be beautiful...
    you always make us smile!

  10. even your shadow looks for the thingy you discovered in the first photo... what was it?

  11. The color of Shyla's fur goes perfectly in the sunlight!! We love your mountain pics and the stars are amazing! Happy Monday!

  12. You are the absolute perfect model, Shyla!

  13. Your pictures bring back good memories for me - thanks!

  14. That first photo of Shyla is hilarious. And the stars, always a treat.


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