Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 9, 2015

An Autumn High Alpine Swim

Yesterday, we did a long-standing tradition - visiting a special lake where every one of our dogs has swum except the one who died before we moved to Colorado.
The lake is off-trail, and it doesn't appear on any maps. It's in a popular area but there is never another soul near the lake, except wildlife, of course. We love this spot. We call it "Dog Leap Lake".

I realized that this was Shyla's 4th attendance at our annual autumn swim in this lake. My, how time flies!

And it must have been R's 8th autumn swim here. He is no less enthusiastic now than when he was a puppy!

Because we did this outing very late in autumn this year, the water was cold! The Duo spent a lot of time running around and playing on the tundra.

I love the autumn color of the tundra. It's so vibrant and rich. Very soon, it will be snow-covered.

This is a great activity for R's elbow. Swimming is great PT and the tundra is soft that it's not very jarring to his elbow when he runs.

For a dog who was once dubbed as having little drive for retrieving, Shyla sure is intense about it now! Waiting for the throw...

Launching herself to fetch the ball...

Sprinting back to the Runner to give him the ball...

R is the master of over-the-top intensity so he always retrieves the first ball thrown while Shyla waits for the second ball that the Runner throws.

After about a half hour, we had to call it a day when R started shivering so hard that we could see it from 20 yards away. I think that water was cold! The dogs shook off, and we were on our way. They warmed up quickly as we hiked.
I love having traditions like this one. I think we missed our autumn trip to this lake only once. That year, our elderly yellow Lab, S, couldn't do the off-trail part of the hike. So we all sat by an easily accessible lake and enjoyed the views.

I think that traditions like these help me to remember how fast time goes by. Each day is as precious as the one when we visit Dog Leap Lake. It can be hard to remember that each day is a gift, especially when faced with the trials and tribulations of life, but I try!


  1. What a fantastic day! I love seeing what good condition your labs are in - you never see that here.

  2. What athletes!! We are following our monthly tradition on Sunday and going to the beach with Wizard and Macy Blue. I have SO much work to do, but it'll just get done when it gets done. Our monthly trip to the beach is too important to miss!

  3. The dogs look so happy!!! Four years with Shyla - time really does fly!!!

  4. It's so awesome that you have a private little lake! It's beautiful there! The dogs look like they are having so much fun!

  5. Hi KB, I thought of you when we went on a hike to Mayflower Gluch, off of I91., when we stayed in Breckenridge. Saw a gal with two Bernese and they were beautiful. The owner let them go in the river and when I asked about Giardhea(so?), she said they aren't bothered with it because they swim it in so often. It was a beautiful hike that I could picture you riding on with the duo.
    So where did you live before Co.?
    Have a great weekend, beautiful photos!
    Hugs, Noreen

  6. What a great tradition. And such fun for the dogs as well as for you and the Runner.

  7. All of these photos are just spectacular! And what a fabulous fall tradition you have—all of your dogs have been so fortunate to have a life where they really get to be "dogs"—running and jumping and playing all of leash...and in such a breathtakingly gorgeous area. Wow!

  8. The action pix you take are really great with front legs pulling and back legs pushing (if that is the way they do it.) They are in such great physical shape ( I rarely ever see a dog with their perfect build) so its always a pleasure to see them.

    Cheers and hugs from the Minnesota Girls.

  9. And here I am thinking you have always lived in Colorado. What wonderful words, they fill the whole picture perfectly. Enjoy the last warmish days up there.

  10. It is those rituals and traditions that make life so rich and add depth to our bonds. The tundra is amazingly lovely but the best part is seeing the joy you captured.

  11. Great pics, and what a great annual event! So true that time goes so fast and we have to enjoy every day!

  12. This is a perfect Seeing Beautiful post! The colors, the dogs, the action photos! All beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us and have a great weekend!

  13. What a wonderful tradition and you took such fabulous action shots, KB ☺

  14. WOW R, you can use your tail like a painbrush to write messages in the air! Pawsome!

  15. That's a whole big bunch of water dog fun!!!

  16. You take the best pictures ever ....love it
    Lily & Edward

  17. Oh My! these pictures are just stunning!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  18. So beautiful. Love the fall colors.

  19. I love finding these hidden treasures. The Duo are great retrievers!

  20. I love seeing them both out running. I hope you are all feeling better right now.

    Anne and Ziggy

  21. Excellent photos and what a good time!


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