Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Winter Lurking in the Night

It feels like winter is nipping at our heels. It is here at night and then sometimes goes away during the day. During the other night, Old Man Winter decorated the high mountains. I love the juxtaposition of the snow on the peaks and the gold/red aspens on the lower forested slopes.
I've been getting out on the trails in time for sunrise most mornings but there's been a layer of clouds to our east almost every morning. By the time the sun is above those clouds, its reddish hue has dissipated. However, the sunlight is still softer and prettier than later in the day.
I hate all the extra clothes I have to wear to ride when the temperature is in the 30's (F). However, Shyla thinks the cold is tremendous. She does zoomies around me for the first part of every cold ride!
She's in that unbelievable phase of life when she seems like she can run at top speed forever. I know it's a fleeting phase so I try to remember to revel in it each day!
She leaps for no particular reason, except that she is filled with joy.
Old Man Winter has caused some aspen groves to lose their leaves but others still glow against the blue sky.
I vote for autumn sticking around a little longer... but I'm not sure that voting helps!


  1. I hope Autumn does stick around a bit longer for you! Shyla sure does look happy! That's awesome that she loves the cold!

  2. Howdy mate. I've missed your wonderful photos. Doesn't matter what the season, you make them all look amazing. Shyla looks beautiful. Hope you are all well. No worries and love Carol, Stella and Rory

  3. It IS a very interesting contrast between the winter peaks and the golden hues. We still don't have much color here, but the dogs sure are enjoying the cooler temps. Except for today when it became muggy and warm again.

  4. Pretty pretty fields. My doc said no on the hock wraps for Lilys legs but may benefit you since you are active. (Back On Track)
    Lily & Edward

  5. We think you need a little longer to enjoy the autumn, too.

  6. We think summer is sticking around longer over at our place. We are supposed to be in the low 80's this weekend. Me and Stanley like it cold but mom whines a lot!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. We hope winter takes iplenty of time getting here to thr South. Shyla brings smiles in every season though!

  8. Your fall world is so vibrant and beautiful!! I want to visit Colorado just to see that beautiful color.

  9. I love autumn, and yours is always beautiful. Hoping it lasts a while!

  10. Autumn is so beautiful in your part of the country!
    We love fall - not looking forward to winter
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. 30's F, still cold. we had 4.5Celsius early, really early this morning, then hot and sunny. Your golden leaves tell the whole story.

  12. I love seeing your Autumn! I see exactly why it makes Shyla so happy!

  13. Hey gurl!!! You do look like a happy camper fursure!!! Do lots of leapin' and zoomies for me!
    Oh, and I vote for Fall to return...Summer has decided it isn't done with us yet! pfffffft! I vote for Fall all year! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  14. Shyla looks so very happy with the cooler weather, but I totally know where you are coming from! I hope the days remain warm for a while longer!!

  15. I sometimes wish we had fur too... it's good for summer and winter and we haven't to wear heavy coats and thick sweaters :o)

  16. Mom and dad voted yesterday to put September, October and November in rotation for the entire year. Their votes probably won't count either. Beautiful photos, KB☺

  17. That would be my vote also. But it never works.

  18. BEAUTIFUL PICS! I have two Amur Maples in my front yard, one is about 12 years old and its in multi shades of red and the other one is just a year old and its showing red and yellow right now. If the sun would shine the big one would color my kitchen for me!


    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  19. Gorgeous pictures! I second your vote for autumn to stick around!

  20. We're having another heat spell here - maybe up to 100 today...I could use a little of that cooler weather to remind me that it's OCTOBER!

  21. My dogs also adore it when the weather cools and then gets truly cold. Knowing they love it so much more than the warmer temps makes it so much more bearable for me!


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