Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wordless Wednesday - Hidden in the Leaves

I tossed Shyla's rope toy for her, and it got stuck in a small aspen. Her eyes asked me to help.

In case you were worried, I extricated Shyla's toy for her, and she played happily.


  1. Awe! It's so cute when they ask for help!

  2. Kia ora KB,
    Awesome colours. Hoping to see some fall beauty on my return to Wisconsin next week. Felt connected with your last post on enjoyment in spite of the pain. I get it. Kia kaha e hoa..

  3. Glad your mom put down the camera long enough to free your toy. BOL. Lovely photos.

    Aroo to you,

  4. Peek a Boo, sweet Shyla - we see you there, looking beautiful as ever:)

  5. YAY! Good mom!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. You are such a good mom
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  7. Sweet. That would usually be me and Rtia, with her shoving her ball under the sofa (possibly on purpose...). But in our case, the pics wouldn't be so beautiful!

  8. Dory would tell you, that's what us Mama's are for :-).

  9. We knew you'd do it! There's NO WAY your could refuse those eyes.

  10. Your rope toy is color coordinated with the beautiful leaves, Shyla!

  11. PHEW! I'm glad you could rescue it. I had a terrifying moment this morning when my toy got EATEN by the monster under the couch! I jumped around in front of it until Momma realized the urgency and braved the monster to rescue it.

  12. Since Piper was a pup, I had always said the same thing to her in situations like this: "Of course I can fix this for you. Because I have god-like powers!"
    It's important to stay one small step ahead of Piper, I think!


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