Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 16, 2015

Happy Labraduo Friday

I had a couple days with both halves of the Labraduo joining me on morning outings. It was a good distraction from the spine problem that's causing me so much pain.

The two of them together make me laugh so much - like how "tough" they look in the next photo. Neither of them has a "tough" bone in their body but they can scare people when they look like this!
Unfortunately, despite canceling a trip to the desert (which made me very sad because I love the desert), I don't seem to be getting better. It's been 10 days of living with the feeling that there's a knife in my back that sends pain radiating out from it. I'm so glad I had the Duo with me for the past couple of days or I would've been morose.
This guy, in particular, makes me laugh so much. Look closely at his facial expression. I wonder what he was thinking? He was looking at me so intensely, perhaps trying to will me to give him a treat.
There have been a number of times in my life when I've felt that our dogs have helped me get through medical problems that could have made me depressed. In particular, after surgeries or during a prolonged periods of intense pain, they are the best medicine in the world for keeping my spirits up.
I'm sure that many of you feel the same way. Dogs are good for the soul!
Happy Friday. I'm hoping for a better week next week!


  1. They are so cute! I really love R's smile. I hope they are able to help you with your back pain! <3

  2. Yep, momma says we dogs are good for body and soul. I'm sending all the good Buddy thoughts and prayers I have that you feel better.

  3. Dogs do ease our pain. I get a couple of shots a month that eases my pain too. Hope the doctors have a plan for you

  4. They absolutely help! Nola eases my anxiety better than anything else. I'm glad you have them!

  5. We bet they are wishing they could help make you feel better.

    They are both just so beautiful. And so attentive to you - no wonder they bring you such joy.

  6. I wish there was a way I could take away your pain. You bring so much joy in your posts and blog.
    The pictures of R make me happy, he has always been a favorite of mine. Shyla is certainly beautiful, but there's something about R. I think it's his eyes, that's how I ended up with Maizie....I could not get past her eyes.
    I hope you feel better soon and are able to enjoy this weather .

  7. We are sending POTP that your pain lessens real soon. In the meantime, how wonderful to have your labraduo to keep your spirits up.

  8. You are right,,, dogs are good medicine,,and dogs go through lots of challenging things too- like R..
    The two of them are carrying you right now!!
    We hope for some better days for you too.
    Just look at how beautiful they are,, and brave, and loving!

  9. You're right, dogs are good for your soul....and are great medicine.

  10. Dogs are amazing. I couldn't imagine my life without them! I'm so glad your dogs are helping you so much. :)

  11. Yup, the dogs can always make us smile! We hope for much better days for you, KB!

  12. I hope the labraduo helps you to feel better this time too... and I send a big healing weim-hug to chase that pains away...

  13. They were super serious in some of those pictures! Hope that you find some relief.

  14. I love the beauty of your duo among the glorious fall colors. I'm sorry your makes is giving you pain; somehow the devotion of a beloved dog always comforts me. Sending healing thoughts your way.
    Hugs, Noreen

  15. Those wonderful faces do have that magical healing power!

  16. Sending you healing thoughts and hugs. Keep moving.

  17. I'm sorry to hear your pain is stopping you from doing something you love. And hate that this happens to you. Thank goodness for dogs who somehow keep us from falling too deeply into pain or sadness. Sending good thoughts your way and as always.


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