Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Throwback Thursday

Because R will turn EIGHT years old soon, I wanted to focus this Throwback Thursday on him. He arrived at our house just before Christmas in 2007. Before his arrival, we had the pack patron, S, and 4 year old K. They truly helped us raise wild little R!
That wild little guy with the amazingly expressive head tilt in the photo above grew up to be K's beloved little brother. K was most definitely the head of the pack but R never gave up his uniquely exuberant approach to life.
The next photo is one of my favorite of R because it sums up his zany personality.
R still has the zany spirit of a puppy despite his age! His sister, Shyla, helps keep him goofy and young because they love to play together. I'm so glad to see the strong bond that they have. They are best friends.


  1. What a beautiful pup, that "R". You can just see his personality bursting out all over!

  2. Hari OM
    ...and a lovely continuum of canines! YAM xx

  3. It is so nice to see the bonds between two dogs grow and mature. Ciara was always best buds with Thunder, but now with just two in the pack, she and Lightning have really grown closer.

    R was an adorable pup and now such a handsome dog!!!

  4. What a handsome boy - so full of life!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  5. You have us smiling bigtime, R! What a cute puppy you were. Don't ever lose that puppy spirit♥

  6. These are wonderful photos. You are right, the one is full of personality!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. You could see it in his face at an early age. Priceless!

  8. Love that first pic! K was a beauty!

  9. What a cute little pupper you were R.

    Aroo to you,

  10. What a handsome little boy he was, and what a handsome nearly 8 year old he is! :-)

  11. I absolutely love your throwback photos! It's so cool seeing baby R!

  12. Eight! Wow! From adorable pup to handsome dude!

  13. the look of R is priceless :o) and the slobber-art too :o)

  14. I really enjoyed seeing the first photo of little R. I love that you had "one of each" color Lab!

  15. My heart melted at the first photo! What a remarkable pack. You're right, that head tilt is just so adorable.

  16. Awww - thanks for sharing. I just love R because he reminds me of my black lab Zeus - who will be turning 13 on Halloween (and he still thinks he's a puppy).

  17. Awww, what sweet photos! Love the "zany" one. Gotta love a zany pup. (Our Abby was definitely zany. Rita is way more mellow!)

  18. Just adore that last picture!! They are such a happy pair!

  19. That puppy photo is too cute. What a great dog he is.

  20. Oh my gosh, that head tilt! *melting* He is a beautiful boy! :)

  21. Oh we loved those pictures. What a beautiful boy he is.
    stella rose

  22. And you are still adorable!
    Lily & Edward

  23. R was such an adorable puppy!!! And now look how handsome he is!
    Yes,, its wonderful to see the bond between Shyla and R..
    His happy spirit makes us smile!

  24. You know that Prince Arrr is my favorite , , ,is it the black dog or the cracker dog or both that I am crazy about, but he won my heart long ago.

    Have you seen your doc for this last painful episode or don't you want to hear what he says? I hope you get some help with it soon. Too hard to carry on with such pain.

    Hugs and hope,

    Jo and the oetz

  25. Lovely portraits, every one. You have a real skill for capturing personalities - or is that "caninalities"? :)


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