Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 30, 2015

Leaping into the Weekend

It felt truly like winter today. The world was freezing, and snow flakes were falling out of the sky.
It wasn't a serious snow - but it added to the wintry feel.
I hear that we might see the sun again this weekend. Shyla is happy about that because we'll be out there to see it rise!
Here's what we both think of these dreary gray days!
If I just let the shutter keep snapping, I capture some very funny expressions on Shyla's face!

It's been another rough week in terms of pain for me. Next week should start to bring some clarity about how to stop this pain. I am glad to report that I've managed to keep my spirits up this week by making sure I got outside to do the things I love.


  1. Is the colder weather causing more pain? We hope you can get some relief. We've had a turn the past few days but next week should be much colder. No flakes here though!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. We will be getting snow soon too!! Shyla is a beautiful girl. I hope you have a better week with your pain.

  3. Shyla is so much fun to see! I hope your pain eases soon.

  4. Shyla is so beautiful. I am sorry about your pain and I am guessing your weather does not help

  5. We got some snow in the higher elevations around us. And we may get some next week. We do hope you will be able to find some relief from the pain
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  6. We had a cold day too, and now a wet night. No snow though:)

    We hope you can get some answers and some relief next week or sooner.

    Love the pics:)

  7. Oh so sorry to hear this has been another bad week as far as your pain. That Shyla certainly does have some hilarious looks. What a cutie.

  8. Oh noes, I hopes you gets some pain relief soon, I gots my paws crossed for you!!! OMD, lookie at that snow!!! It was 82 today, so that looks kinda nice to me...☺
    You guys have a FABulous night! Looks like a good night for a fire in the fireplace!
    Ruby ♥

  9. Oh I see your beautiful snow flakes!!
    And a beautiful glowing Shyla!

  10. I admire you so much for being able to keep your spirits up. Good luck!

    Your photos are amazing.

  11. Thank you so much for your advice! Our human is having computer issues (this sent from her old phone) but she hopes to be able to email you soon.

    We are thinking of you and sending lots of gentle woofs to make your back feel better.
    Riley and Enzo (and F too).

  12. Relentless pain, that creeps in uninvited. I hope you can get on top of it, even if in short spells. Shyla and R, they will be there with huge amounts of TLC. Snow, down here we had 3 Celsius early this morning. almost a frost!! Even if it would be so cold, I would really like to live where there is snow for some part of the wintertime. And maybe just for the photos.

  13. We hope that next week is a much more pain-free week for you, KB!

  14. it's great to see you jumping and running through a sun-golden world :o) I hope the sun stays for a while before Mr. Winter moves in :lo)Happy Howl-O-Ween!

  15. Get your hat and scarf out K
    Happy Howl-o-ween
    Lily & Edward

  16. Beautiful pics of Shyla! She has the best expressions!! Sure hope you get some relief and are feeling better soon KB.

  17. Oh Dear....winter's arrival can't be helping your pain..

  18. Shyla always looks so cute with her purple ring!

    Sending lots of POTP for less pain next week!

  19. I see your snow!! I see your snow!


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