Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

We live in an area that's terrible for trick-or-treating, and our house isn't visible from the road. So, we don't have Halloween decorations. We used to go trick-or-treating with our nephews in the big city (with our dogs walking along with us) but that tradition changed when Shyla arrived. She gets very spooked by costumes so we just stay in our mountain retreat for the day. It doesn't seem worth the work to try to help her overcome this particular fear for one day out of the year.

A couple of years ago, I did try to take Shyla to town on Halloween, much earlier than I thought that anyone would be out on the streets in costumes. Unfortunately, I was wrong. We ended up stranded, unable to get to our car to escape, because a large and loud group of kids in costumes was between us and our car. We found a bench far away from them and waited until they departed for us to sprint to the car to make our getaway to the mountains.
Today was a sunny day, and Shyla and I greeted the sun as it rose. I don't know why, but that tradition keeps my spirits up, almost no matter what.
When we're out there in the forest, with the sunlight filtering through the trees, I forget all that ails me as I watch Shyla prancing through the boulder-strewn world.
We ran across an elk skull (a few years old) during our time in the forest, and it seemed appropriate for Halloween. Shyla wasn't too happy that I wanted her pose with it but not chew on it!
We hope that none of the skulls you encounter this Halloween suddenly start moving under their own power, like our elk skull this morning! Shyla looked very alarmed!
Happy Halloween!


  1. Hari OM
    What a great find for the day! I think the plan to stay up on the mountain away from the nonsense is a good one!!! Huggies, YAM xx

  2. That is indeed very appropriate for Halloween!
    I haven't been here for a while, so I will scroll down and see what else you were up to. As always, your photos are so wonderful and I enjoy them. Shyla is such a sweet girl.

  3. We like your Halloween tradition. So much nicer.

  4. I share Shyla's feelings about Halloween traditions, I think. Also about finding Neat Stuff in the woods...though I've never found an elk skull, Shyla, so you are way ahead of me!
    I hope you feel a bit better this weekend, and continue to nurture your spirits with the wonders of nature.

  5. Looks like you and Shyla found your own special ways to have a spooktacular day:) It has been eerily quiet here tonight. We have had the doorbell ring two times for a total of six kids - there will be lots of candy left for the grands.

  6. Shula, we don't do Halloween either. You look beautiful, but stay away from skulls unless you're a pirate!

    -Ruby and Otto

  7. We think a quiet, no costume Halloween is for the best. That elk skull made just jump a bit

  8. We went downtown to our Halloween Festival today and couldn't believe all the dogs there, many of whom were clearly disturbed by all the activities.

    Aren't you glad the early mornings will be a little lighter for a week or so?

  9. I think the quiet mountains are the perfect way to spend Halloween! I hope you have a great night! :D

  10. Our Halloween has been pretty quiet. Living out of town we only get the grandkids and most are getting too old for trick or treating.
    Happy Halloween
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. We are in the same boat here...too rural for trick or treating. We leave the girls home and we venture down to our little town to see some of the decorations and costumes. I think Chloe would have a heart attack! She is not at all comfortable with people, kids, crowds, and loud noises! It was amazing to see how many people brought their dogs into the mayhem! Shame on them! Happy Halloween!

  12. Haha, that last photo made me laugh! :)

  13. I agree with you on Halloween too. We quit doing Halloween when a big silver alien came to the door and scared the you-know-what out of me.

  14. Please give me a sign when a house in your neighborhood is for sale... I would like to spend the scary night your way :o) we had a lot od kids last night I think my ears need a week to go back to normal :o)

  15. We left the dogs when we went to go trick-or-treating last night with my niece because we are in the country and don't get any trick or treaters. We left them because of Hailey's fears. Turns out they got so few kids where they live (2 blocks up there were tonnes, but where there house was not), they only got 10 kids, in 5 groups and I think Hailey could have handled that.

  16. I haven't bought halloween candy for years. I don't miss it, that's for sure.

  17. Our mom and dad have a severe fear of Siberians being around doors that open frequently. We were in the bedroom all night. Ha rumph! At least we got to watch the Royals game in there!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  18. A bit belated Happy Halloween! Watching the sun rise where you live certainly would be a spirit lifter!

  19. Hope it was a nice Halloween for ya!

  20. We don't have trick-or-treaters that come to our house either, Shyla. We used to but they've all grown up. That is one creepy looking elk skull!

  21. Your peaceful Halloween was perfectly quiet- just like ours.

  22. You can tell Prince R I am leaving his October calendar page up because its so perfect with my Halloween/autumn plate. No offense, Miss Shyla!

    Not one kid for Halloween, what am I gonna do with the Mary Janes I bought.

    Cheers to all,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  23. Beautiful girl. I live fairly rural, and did not get a single trick or treater. I am not necessarily complaining.

  24. I'm just going to blow your mind here...they found a hand in our creek! Ewwww. Glad you do what Shyla needs for feeling safe


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