Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sunday Silhouettes and Stars

 Today's focus is on the wonders of the skies. At sunrise and sunset, the clouds can glow so vividly!
The colors leave me with such wonder that I walk with the dogs to our "sunset lookout point" almost every evening (or afternoon, as it will be today), even if the chance of bright clouds is almost zero.
At night, the stars awe me. I don't see them that often from home because it's hard to get myself to go out into the cold dark night for long enough for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Consequently, I get very excited about stars when we are camping.

I have been going through the photos from our camping trips last spring and summer. Here was an unexpected shooting star, zooming across the Milky Way.
 And here is a combined time lapse photo of the movement of the stars over about a half hour.
I am excitedly looking forward to our next camping trip. I figured out how to make better star trails on the last night of our last trip in the fall. I can't wait to try out my new technique again!

Happy Sunday!


  1. I love your beautiful pictures. I was saying tonight how beautiful the skies can be when we stop and really look. The stars, amazing!!

  2. Those are wonderful photos! The silhouettes are stars too!

  3. I love the silhouettes! The sky is so beautiful there! Over here it's just been nonstop grey and gloomy!

  4. We love your skys--- everyone of them, Morning skys,,,evening stars.. and always your magificent stars!
    Thank you for sharing!

  5. The silhouettes are beautiful. We hope you get that camping trip soon. Hope this week brings some relief as well. Hugs.

  6. That shooting star is so beautiful!

  7. Camping, you are just as optimistic as Hugh is, he cannot wait to go away again. Star trails, they look magnificent in my eyes.

  8. I love it when we go to the beach and can see so much massive sky. Obviously, here in the mountains we don't see a lot of sky at once. Can't imagine what it must be like in your camping areas.

  9. I love your star trails, they are amazing! :)

  10. I love the sky, both night and day.

  11. Are you planning the next trip? Mom says we are going on one next week! She said something about vortexes! We do not know what that is about!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. Your photos are always so very beautiful, KB!

  13. Wonderful pictures! I don't go out at night to see the sky very often anymore. Right now, the only way I can comfortably look up is if I lay down - like in one of my chaises - so it seems a bit of a fuss, I suppose.
    But if the goats give me a reason to rush out in the wee hours as they sometimes do, I always take a little extra time to just enjoy the night. And once recently I actually did drag out a chaise and tilt back to watch the last of the stars fading and the sky becoming bluegrey around the edges. Tsuga hopped up on the stanchion next to me and chewed her cud, keeping me company. There's a special kind of comfort that comes with that sound :)


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