Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 2, 2015

The Labraduo

I got to take photos of the Labraduo together yesterday at sunset.
R is not truly as much taller as these photos seem to show. Whenever they stand on boulders together, R chooses the spot that makes him tower over Shyla.
Here's what she thinks of that!
We still are not certain what will happen with R's elbow that has congenital dysplasia. We previously thought that we'd have reconstructive surgery done this fall. However, he's done surprisingly well over the past year, even doing long mountain runs with the Runner. He needs his daily Vitamin R (Rimadyl) to prevent limping, which is the one thing that worries us both. That is not a great medicine to take for the very long term because of its bad effects on the liver.

We'll probably get an appointment with our orthopedic surgeon to have him check over R. He's very honest about whether he thinks surgery is needed yet. He is the one who fully supported us waiting a year until at least this fall for the surgery so we trust him a great deal. Before we do that, we are cutting R's Rimadyl dose in half to see how he does. Time will tell.

We love having R be able to run and play so we'll do whatever it takes to keep him athletic.

I also think that the Runner is a little afraid of having two invalids in the house at the same time. R and I might be a very demanding pair!
Health decisions seem to be on the front burner here right now. I am getting some tests tonight that should give us a better idea of what needs to be done to my spine. We are hoping that, by some miracle, there won't be two big surgeries in our pack this fall!


  1. That photo of Shyla is priceless! And what a typical big brother trying to tower over his little sis haha. Here's hoping both you and R have speedy recoveries, no matter what decisions need to be made.

  2. Hoping right long with you for good luck for both of you. Absolutely love that last photo of the Labraduo.

  3. Fingers and paws crossed here that there won't be two surgeries. Love the posturing R does to stay ahead whether running or photography.

  4. I hope they find what is causing you pain soon and get it fixed. I will be sending prayers and good vibes to you all!! You always have the best pictures.

  5. We hope good health finds you all, moves in and stays! Shyla, that silly face gave us the giggles!

  6. Sending good thoughts that neither R nor you will need surgery!!

  7. We sure hopeneither of you has to deal with surgery, but whatever it takes to help both of you enjoy life is what counts. Good luck with the tests.

  8. Good vibes coming to your time zone that when you're given the options, you'll have the peace in knowing you've made the best choice.

  9. We will keep our pug paws crossed for the best for both you and R
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  10. Sending good vibes your way for NO Surgeries! Love that last photo...

  11. Love the photos of you two. Paws crossed and sending prayers.

    Aroo to you,

  12. Good thoughts, good prayers, and good vibes for no surgery

  13. It's good you have a surgeon you can trust! It's better when you get an honest opinion.

  14. Two at one time on a surgical list, way too much for Runner to cope with, so I am sending heaps of positive wishes for all to be Ok in the meantime, for you both. Maybe R just likes to be at the top of every rock,

  15. I hope for good news from the vet and I send POTP for R's elbow....
    Hugs to you and the beautiful Labraduo :o)

  16. We just love your funny face, Shyla and we hope the lesser amount of Vitamin R does the trick for you, R! We send you tons of positive vibes, KB!

  17. Beautiful photos of the Labraduo! Paws crossed for you and R! :)

  18. Glad you found something that is helping R, for at least the short term. We send you both POTP.

  19. Sending positive thoughts to both you and R. Have you looked into "golden paste" for dogs - it is tumeric and coconut oil and is supposed to be very good for pain - thought it may help R (and you too - who knows). Love your posts and photos.

  20. I hope everything works out, for both of you. Roxy is on Rimadyl, she gets a half dose every morning for her back. We have blood work done every year, and have no problems.

  21. Love the silly face! We are hoping for no surgeries. How about accupuncture? We are HUGE fans after seeing the amazing improvement in Hiker. Surgery was recommended ($4000). Its been six weeks since her last treatment and Hiker is more playful than ever. Just an idea.

  22. Hoping for the best results on your tests. And that last photo was stunning!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  23. Good luck to both of you! I'm glad R had this summer of fun, at least and hopefully will have many more. Good luck on you getting relief without surgery.

  24. Blueberry has her daily vitamin R as well. I don't worry about it too much as she gets blood work done every 6 months and so far she's been tolerating it well. I think every dog handles it differently. I know my Shadow didn't do well on it at all and I switched her over to Metacam which was much better tolerated by her.

    Love these photos!

  25. We will be right beside the two of you- every step of the way.

  26. R is just reminding everyone who is the top dog! Hope your medical team has solutions

  27. Keeping my fingers crossed for good news for you and R!


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