Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday Funny

A Friday funny...

Just to see what she'd do, I balanced a toy on Shyla's nose, just like I balance treats on her nose for her to flip into the air and catch.
Shyla didn't seem surprised by my odd behavior at all. She sat very still balancing it.

Then, when I released her, she flipped the toy so that she could grab it.

She wrangled it into her mouth using her jaws as snow crystals showered down on her.

And then looked at me wide eyed as I cheered her exceptional adaptation of a trick that usually involves a treat.
It's amazing how smart our dogs are!!!
Thanks for all the good wishes for my neurosurgeon appointment. Not surprisingly, the surgeon wants more information before making a concrete recommendation. So, I'll be having more tests and then talking with him again. I wish that the process of making this pain go away would be faster! Of course, with all the delays, there is a chance that my body will heal itself while we wait. However, there's also a chance that I'll lose my mind due to the pain! Quite a trade-off!

I'm going to mostly stay away from my computer for a little while. I'll have some short posts in the near future but not as many as usual. Thanks for your understanding!


  1. Shyla is SO cute! <3 I love those photos! :D

    I'm sorry the surgeon wants more tests! Hopefully they can figure it out soon!

  2. Shyla is one smart pup. I have yet to master this balance things on my snooter. But momma keeps trying.

  3. Shyla, you make us smile - you are such a cutie!!! Sorry about the need for more tests, and thus more discomfort, but best to have all the facts first. Wishing so much you could find some relief.

  4. She's so cute! I'm sorry about more tests!

  5. Take care of yourself!!

    Love Shyla's coat in the sun!!

  6. That does not look like an easy thing to flip and catch! Good job, Shyla :)
    I love it when our dogs surprise us (in a good way)! One day when my back was hurting I discovered that Piper can pick up her empty bowl and hand it to me. I discovered this by, just for the heck of it, saying, "Piper, can you get you bowl for me please?"
    Could have knocked me over with a feather!

  7. Great pictures. Hang in there with the pain. I know it is hard. My doctors tell me the more active you are the less pain you will have but it is going to be harder on both of us. Winter is coming.

  8. Smart Shyla!
    Take care of yourself KB,, we are right beside you

  9. Somehow Shyla not being surprised by what you did says volumes...BOL! We'll keep our paws and fingers crossed that you can heal without intervention.

  10. Keep your mom smiling and entertained, Shyla! Tons of positive vibes are heading your way, KB!

  11. Bravo Shyla! You are an artist! I hope so much that there is a way to chase the pains away.... the waiting can be a pain too.... :o( Hugs and POTP to you

  12. You take care of yourself and know we are thinking about you and sending POTP your way.

  13. We love that fantastic Shyla series! We sure hope the pain lets up soon.

  14. Those photos are lots of fun! Good luck to you! :)

  15. Shyla, awesome catch. And awesome pictures of her catch!! I am sending prayers and good vibes for healing!!

  16. What a sweet, smart girl she is. :) I hope the pain gets better soon. We're sending our best wishes.

  17. Stay away from your computer and do whatever helps to make your pain less. We'll keep you in our thoughts.

  18. Good luck with the doctors. Hope they find a way out for you.

  19. The medical world turns at a very slow pace. I hope you get your answer/solution soon.

  20. What a clever girl! And what lovely, lovely shots! (Her expressions are priceless.)


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