Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Snow, snow, snow

One morning last week, we awakened to a decent overnight snowfall. The stillness of our clearing on a frozen morning with fresh snow is profound. To my surprise, my trail camera captured a photo that morning that tells the story. It's a photo of our clearing, and my snow bike with a snow-encrusted wheel is visible in the far left.
This was the week when autumn became a distant memory and winter took a strong hold on our area. Just before the snowfall in the photo above, I planted Columbine seeds in an aspen grove that is just outside the view of the trail camera. I love that gesture of hope for springtime.

That was not the only snowy day.

Shyla truly loves the snow. She even loves licking the snowflakes off her own nose!

It makes her dance with happiness.
And her happiness is infectious. So, let it snow!


  1. It really is so beautiful. We have a hard time getting out in the cold but once we are out there it is so pretty and fun!!

  2. My first Irish Wolfhound, Meaghann, thought I had invented snow for her entertainment. I can still see her in CO, a yearling hound, trotting along in snow with her nose right down in it, then lifting her head with a tall ridge of snow balanced on her snoot. And a happy grin beneath.

  3. She is such a beauty, especially in that first photo. I'm glad she loves the snow, that must help a lot.

  4. Your snow bike is waiting for you! (And the seed wait for spring) The energy of dogs on a snowy day is fun to watch!

  5. Let it snow! Her joy is infectious. We had our first snowfall here today. about an inch. I'll take it.

  6. It is nice to see someone enjoying the snow. I wish I could muster that enthusiasm!

  7. We used to have two big dogs here. We the peeps live up North they really loved to run and romp in the snow too.

  8. I know you got lots of snow and cold windy weather because we did. You have such a positive attitude about the snow and getting out in it-I need to work on mine. I'm happy to stay inside and quilt when it's really cold.
    Hope you get some answers about your spine. Have a great Sunday!
    Hugs, Noreen

  9. Dancing!! You're so pretty, Shyla!

  10. Your snow photos really are beautiful, and so is Shyla enjoying herself in it your previous post. I'll admit to being a little envious, but I know our turn will come soon enough!

  11. this lady loves looking at the beautiful snow through your photos, while the pups would love to run through it with Shyla:)

  12. To steal from the poet, those woods are lovely, dark, and deep. But I must admit I'm glad it's your snow and not ours. Had quite enough of that in WI. Glad you're still able to ride through the pain.

    Glad Shyla loves the snow. She'd be a pretty miserable Rocky Mountain Girl if she didn't.

  13. The snow is so beautiful when there's a fresh fall. Enjoy it.

  14. Enjoy that beautiful fun snow, Shyla!

  15. I rather watch you from my blankie nest :o) butt I have to admit that snow looks tasty somehow ... like vanilla ice cream :o)

  16. OMD, gurl, do some snow zoomies for me!!!! I am soooo jealous! Then again, I don't thinks Ma would want to shovel the drive to get out..BOL!!
    Have lots and lots of fun!
    Ruby ♥

  17. So much beauty in the post - that trail cam photo is really something.

  18. All that beauty and Shyla thinks so too!


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