Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 27, 2015

Happy Friday

On Black Friday, our goal is not to shop but to enjoy the great outdoors instead.

Our wise dogs have taught us that life is not all about the stuff we buy.
And, to be perfectly honest, we humans *hate* shopping so it's not hard to stay out of the stores on any day!

After enjoying the outdoors on Black Friday, we warm up in sun puddles.
Ah, it's a good life!


  1. Shyla is so beautiful! We are the same way. We hate shopping and there's no way I'm going out in the Black Friday mess! :D

  2. I have to force myself to buy things I've been putting off buying - sometimes for months or years - during the November sales. Luckily I can do it online and stay home :)

  3. I love the fact that REI and several other stores have opted out of Black Friday so their employees could be with loved ones-also love that Park System is have a free day so that people get outside. We don't do Black Friday either, but spend the day decorating.

  4. Our pawrents aren't shoppers either. I had troubles today. My ball kept falling into the snow and then I couldn't find it. Stanley thought it was hilarious.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. We prefer sunpuddles to shopping too. Hello beautiful Shyla, we voted and the eyes have it!

  6. She's so pretty! That's a great way to spend Black Friday. I did get a few good deals on dog food, but that was online. I hate shopping, too!

  7. We stayed far away from the shopping today too!

  8. I saw on the evening news last night that some of the national parks offer a discounted admission for Black Friday for the very reasons you mentioned -- It's a perfect and great idea, that really needs to catch on! People really need to remember to appreciate the outdoors and the beauty!

  9. We don't leave the house on Black Friday either. It's much better to enjoy each other than fight the crowds.

  10. We had a lot of cold rain here for two days now and more to come, plus a bit of icing. A good time to stay inside, do some decorating, and enjoy a cup of hot tea:) Love the photos.

  11. We believe in sunpuddles too,, and that is what we did!!! Layed in sunpuddles!

    Shyla,, your eye is soooo beautiful!

  12. Count us among those who do not enjoy shopping. The one phrase that really sold us on our community here was, "No occasion except for a funeral requires you to be more dressed up than your LL Bean stuff." Love the idea of spending time outdoors with friendly dogs rather than in a crowded store with rude humans.

  13. WE did not go out shopping either. Stayed home and enjoyed the pugs
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  14. I would be so happy to stay home, crowds, shopping centres packed with bargain hunters, too much noise, love your photos today, are you back to the DSLR? Take care, we have had some rain, some wind, and quite warm.

  15. We did the same thing today...It was a beautiful day, the CA State Parks were giving free passes to get in....It was a beautiful and relaxing way to spend "Black Friday"!

  16. I spent a portion of my Black Friday at the computer...there were some great deals to be had ONLINE. So much better than battling the crowds! The girls prefer it if I never leave!

  17. No shopping for us either! We're not fond of crowds. We spent the day outside supervising the cutting and stacking of firewood.

  18. We totally agree that spending outdoors is better than shopping any day! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

  19. It gets crazy out there so I think your idea of fresh air and sun puddles is a good idea!!

  20. We spent Black Friday at the beach walking with Toby and all of our family who spent the holiday with us. I would have been too exhausted for shopping (I dislike it too) anyway, but the gorgeous warm weather made it sound even crazier to be inside a store!


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