Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Life is good

Who me? I'm not spoiled.

But after playing with all those toys, a girl gets sleepy. Time to snooze in a convenient sun puddle.
Life is good!


  1. Of course you're not spoiled, Shyla. You are "living in the means you have become accustom to"!

    That is what we tell Mama all the time!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  2. Look at you surrounded by all of your toys, Shyla. Enjoy your snooze in your sun puddle.

  3. Shyla, we're so glad you're spoiled, too!!

  4. Sweet Shyla. No, you are not spoiled. You just play with your toys rather than letting them sit idly in a basket like our Lucy does. We have many of the same ones you have but ours are in pristine condition. I love that yours are used as intended.

  5. You are not spoiled - you are well loved!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  6. No, not spoiled. This is how every dog should live!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. Sweet dreams, sweet Shyla. Your toys look to be in a lot better shape than the ones here:)

  8. I know your happy with all those toys Shyla,, and playing makes you sleepy! No,, your not spoiled, your happy!

  9. Awe! She is too cute! I love her toy pile! :D

  10. look at those toys, how would you choose? Lovely sunshine, for you, and a hot day down here, about 22C.

  11. Haha! I have to say this is the first photo I've seen which makes Shyla look like a 'normal' dog... and I don't mean this as a reflection on Shyla herself, but that so many dogs live in suburbia and that's the best life gets - being given lots of toys! Whereas every photo I see shows that your dogs really, really have an ideal life for a dog - so many smells, sights, places to run and be free. Love seeing a glimpse of life INSIDE the house for your dogs - and it isn't that different from that of we city people after all.

  12. This is the best!! Not spoiled. Loved!!

  13. So sweet. Indy brings no less than 3-4 stuffed toys into bed with us every nite. Thank goodness we have a king size bed!

  14. Oh Shyla you have so many wonderful toys…that's not spoiled, that's how it should be for good dogs! (And they're all good dogs aren't they?)


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