Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 6, 2015

Life in the Forest - Including a Moose

It has been an odd week. Suddenly, before the snow fell, this structure appeared on one of my riding routes that is rarely traveled.

When I looked inside, I found this. I guess it was a Hare Krishna temple.
For some reason, the builders of the "temple" put it just inside a private property boundary. Someone had dismantled it or it had collapsed on its own within a few days.

Or perhaps this guy took it down...
We have at least 5 different moose in our neck of the woods now. It's crazy how fast they've colonized our area. One year ago, glimpsing a single moose was amazing! Now they seem to be everywhere!

Happy Friday.

I hope that you all get some rest this weekend. I know that I need it!
And maybe Shyla needs it too!


  1. It seemed to happen quickly with moose in my neck of the woods also...makes me wonder how many were how close before they became more apparent to the casual observer.
    Gosh, Shyla looks so mature and beautiful in her pictures now - at least the "serious" ones! I think like Piper she may always look like a teenager in her action shots :)

  2. Word must have got out in the Moose Community that it's a good spot to hang out--or there are lots of moose who like taking selfies.

  3. That is interesting :) You never know what you might find on your walks. Hope you get all the rest you need this weekend!!

  4. Ut oh, the moose picture did not show up! Interesting temple though.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. Had to make room for the Moose Lodge MOL! Hooe you get some nice rest!

  6. Glad we don't have to live in a house like that:)

    We hope you get that rest, much needed here too after a rough night for Ciara:(

  7. We need rest, too, Shyla! Nice Moose!!

  8. Hummmm that looks like a lot of stick stacking. Very interesting.

  9. Haven't seen or heard of Hare Krishna in years. With all the park land around I can't imagine using private property. It doesn't look any more stable than the structures we used to build as children. Love that beautiful Shyla. Have a restful weekend.

  10. What an interesting "temple?". Wishing everyone a restful weekend
    Mr Bailey Hazel & Mabel

  11. What a cool shot of Mr. Moose!!

    We are hoping you find time for lots of Labraduo snuggle resting this weekend!

  12. Yeah, I thinks it was Mr. Moose...He looks like he's done 'security' befores! BOL
    I hopes you're feelin' betters, and you have a good weekend, and there are cookies...there will be cookies, right?
    Ruby ♥

  13. Is it odd to find structures like that in the mountains? Could someone be hurt staying there? I find it fascinating.

  14. No Moose down here either, maybe he had visited the temple and got distracted. But some of you must have the photo posted, maybe a blogger issue. However , that shelter would be a haven if caught out in a storm, better then nothing I guess.

  15. it looks a little scary with that skulls... maybe a leftover from howl-o-ween? Have a super good weekend and stay warm&comfy :o)

  16. We love that last photo of you, Shyla. We hope you and your family have a restful weekend!

  17. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend - yes, even the moose!

  18. Howdy mates. How funny/strange to come across that structure. Must have taken them a while to build. Take care on your rides mates. Lovely photos as always. You are so lucky to have moose. We love them but sadly none here in Oz. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  19. People build these tepees nearby me, but I would be freaked if I saw skulls and altars in them! I'm on constant alert for moose now. Today when I xskied for the first time, I crossed moose tracks nearby where I saw the bedding site of the Mama and calf earlier in the week. I just don't want to unknowingly come too close to that calf! Have a restful and healing weekend.

  20. That temple must have been very special to someone at sometime.
    What a very interesting find!
    Yes,, maybe those moose knocked it down.

  21. That last photo of Shyla is just beautiful. Can't quite put my finger on what makes it different, but it really is!

    Couldn't get the moose, said it needed a plug in, and I have lots of those but assume its .something different.....

    Feel better!,



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