Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Winter Play

Today was that yearly shocking day when winter truly hits. We dithered away some time playing inside because I'm a wimp at heart and didn't feel like going out in the snow. Instead, I first took some photos of Shyla with a quilt made by a wonderful friend of ours back when K died.
After our indoor procrastination, we headed out into the snow. In fact, as always, I ended up enjoying being outside with Shyla. She plays with such abandon that her happiness is contagious.
I have found some ways to add play into our training without it hurting my spine anymore than it already hurts. It's made a world of difference in Shyla's confidence. All it takes is a few minutes of training interspersed with super fun playing to make Shyla much more relaxed about the world. I think that Shyla is teaching me how important playing is for all of us!

Then, while we were feeling happy, I took a photo of Shyla in what I've come to think of as "her hat". It was mine but Shyla looks much better in it than I do! And, she doesn't mind wearing hats anymore. When I add up all the small fears that have vanished, it's astonishing to realize how much Shyla has changed since I met her.
Happy Winter! I suspect we'll get a little more autumn weather before our "final" snow falls that will remain on the ground until April but today was the first taste of what the next few months will be like!


  1. Shyla looks beautiful in that hat. It matches her tags

  2. Seems a bit early for snow to us...but what do we know. Love the hat!!

  3. Love the photo of Shyla in her hat. Christmas card photo maybe??

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. Holy snowflakes!! Stay warm!!
    Lily & Edward

  5. Plenty of snow, love the hat. We had a frost this morning, beans, tomatoes and zucchini look very sad.Beautiful hot day now.

  6. Love the hat!

    Isn't it funny how we put off doing something but then when we do it, it's fun and probably just what we needed? Your experience with going out to play with Shyla reminds me of me sometimes on Mondays when i don't feel like going to my usual gig at the shelter. It always ends up being fun/rewarding once I get there.

  7. so glad you all got out and played and enjoyed it.
    might as well embrace the change.
    we got our first snow today and so many people are saying burrrr.
    boots, jacket, hat and gloves and off we go into the silent snow ;-)

  8. I love the hat, and I think it says so much about Shyla, and that inner spirit that she just exudes in all she does because of you! --Glad you enjoyed your snow, and hope that autumn makes a reappearance. Summer is here for us tomorrow, with temps expected to be around 80 -- Crazy!

  9. We remember that quilt - made with love in memory of K.

    Shyla wears that hat so well - definitely hers:)

  10. We remember that quilt too!
    We love your snow!! And of course we love Shyla with all her hats!

  11. Shyla looks so great in the hat! We got some snow too but much down low. More expected in a few days - guess winter is here
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  12. A hat of many colours, and so becoming on Shyla! I am not jealous of your snow, though I do love to see your photos of it.

  13. Thank you so much for the picture of her in the hat I burst out laughing.

  14. We just love seeing you in your hat, Shyla☺

  15. Shyla you look great with that hat... maybe you can wear that blanket too like a poncho? then you are wellprepared for Mr. Winter :o)

  16. She is so impossibly cute, in the quilt and the hat.

  17. WE CAN'T WAIT for the snow to make its way across the state line into Kansas!!! We had a cold front come through, but it's still in the 60s during the afternoons. Bring it on!!! (Mom wants to hide under the quilt with Shyla!)
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  18. I just adore that first picture with Shyla under the blanket!!

  19. Very striking chapeau, Mlle Shyla! :)

  20. Winter is here!! The dogs love it so even though it is harder to get outside, once I am out there it is fun. And that hat. The best :)

  21. Thanks for sharing your training observations. I think 'play is important' is a lesson I need to learn regarding the dogs. Because I love training so much - I just enjoy the process! - I did a lot with Gatsby, and I'm sure it's responsible for much of her gains in confidence (she's fearful like Shyla) but I probably didn't realise how much playing WITH her could have helped her confidence.


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