Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 28, 2015

Silver Linings

Shyla has no idea how lucky she is that she can run all that she wants and doesn't get sore.

She can even retrieve, something that R couldn't ever do because of his elbow dysplasia. Shyla is very lucky.

R's elbow has become very sore again. He limps almost every day, when he gets up from naps. He's only 8 years old so it's not normal for him to limp. Last year at about this time, we decided to put off elbow surgery for R for at least a year. He's had two "clean-outs" in the past, and this surgery will reconstruct the joint.

He's had a blast over the year, running with the Runner and playing with his sister. When I looked through all the photos from 2015, I knew that we'd made the right decision last year. R had a great year.

It was so good that we even started to think that we might be able to put off surgery for another year.

Alas, we were wrong. We humans both feel that it's time to take action. We don't like seeing his persistent limp and lack of weighting of his bad limb during standing. That means it hurts.
So, we've restarted the process of finding him a surgeon. The kind of surgery that he needs is very new and not many vets have experience doing it. The vet who we had chosen last year hasn't done many (or perhaps any) of these surgeries over the past year. We'd prefer someone with fresher skills.

There is good news... I've been scared to say it out loud but I believe that my damaged nerve is healing on its own. After starting treatment with a cold laser, the pain radiating from my neck gradually morphed into pins and needles. Some doctors say that's a sign of nerve healing. Even better news is that the pins and needles are now becoming less intense. If I can avoid surgery, which I am now betting that I can, I can help take care of R after his surgery.

Sometimes clouds have silver linings.


  1. Poor R! You're right about Shyla (and my girls, too) are so lucky to be able to run and play without pain. I feel so bad for R and I hope you can find a competent surgeon soon.

    That's awesome about your nerves! I hope you continue to feel better!

  2. Your own healing, a Christmas miracle, and it means that for R you will be able to take care of him at the right time.Silver lining, maybe it is golden through and through.

  3. That's too bad about R…hopefully when he recuperates he'll be able to be just as active as ever! It's great news to hear that your nerve is healing. May it continue, and best of luck in finding an experienced surgeon for R.

  4. Lily has the same issues. It is obvious she is weak in the back area and was going through the limp thing for 2 days. Maybe it's that age 8!!
    Lily & Edward

  5. We all send our very best thoughts and purrs to dear R. We know you will find the right surgeon. We are also glad your pain is letting up!

  6. That is such wonderful news that your back is starting to feel better! But not so good news about our furend R. We sure hope that you find a skilled surgeon who can take care of that elbow and get R back on the trails.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  7. My fingers (and Ruby's paws) are crossed that you find a wonderful surgeon for R AND that your nerve continues to heal!

  8. We will be praying for R's surgery to be successful and for him to heal quickly and for your own healing to continue

  9. Paws crossed for R and that you keep feeling better!

  10. We're sorry to hear that R will need his surgery but that is encouraging that your neck is feeling better.

  11. First, great news about you neck! And second, I'm sure the cold effects R's elbow, but yes, it seems a good idea to stick with the origional plan. This will be the perfect time of year for R's R & R! Sometimes I crack myself up!!

  12. I am very glad to read that your pain is improving. I know you will do what is best for R. POTP for R

    Anne and Ziggy

  13. Good news and bad news. So glad you are healing. Wish the same for R. Surgery might be the best course for him - good luck finding the right surgeon. Our Sally had elbow dysplasia, but she had a different type of surgery - it was 15 years ago. But it did really improve her mobility.

  14. Oh KB, I hope your healing continues and grows! That is great news!
    And I was wondering about R's elbow just last week, when a friend was talking about her dog having elbow problems. I hope you find a crackjack surgeon for that boyo!

  15. I agree, find a vet who has done a lot of the surgeries. That's always the most important thing. Best wishes to the sweet boy, and I'm so glad your neck seems to be getting better.

  16. That is great news for you, KB! We know that you'll find the absolute bestest doctor for handsome R♥

  17. R I send potp and I hope you will find the best surgeon for your elbow.... I hope so much that this dogtor finds a way to help you... hugs to you all

  18. That's great news for you, maybe not so great for R. I hope you can find the right surgeon for him.

  19. I am happy to hear that you are healing and we will pray that you can find the right surgeon for R
    PugRanch Mom

  20. hoping for both of you at once, then! :)

  21. Here's hoping R makes a speedy recovery. I know that you will be the ultimate nurse during his recovery! And sending good vibes to you both during the healing process. <3

  22. We are glad you are seeing some good results but sad that R is going to need the surgery. Mom said she wished she could run like Shyla!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  23. Way to find the silver lining!! That's the spirit!

  24. With family here all the time, we are so far behind in our blog reading. We are so sorry to hear that R has to have that surgery. We hope you can find just the right surgeon for him. We are also so happy to hear that your nerve may be healing. We will double up those prayers for both of you.

    We finally got some snow, about an inch of sleet and 15 inches of snow, but it sure did make two pups happy.

  25. We are hoping you find the right surgeon for R too.. We want him feeling good.. And we want you feeling good..
    We are not familiar with the cold laser process that you had done to your spine.. Is it something new? Were hoping the pain is less,,, as you say,, and the pins and needles diminish! And for you to have no pain.


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